


4 years, 7 months ago


  • originally was commissioned by some dumbass with way too much money as a trophy to flaunt JUST how much money they had
  • spent several, several years being shown off and paraded around, with little to no concern for his own opinions or feelings
  • naturally, got pretty tired of it pretty quick once he realized he himself wasn't actually loved or important, but he had no idea where to even begin breaking himself free
  • eventually, as is the way of many wealthy idiots on novus, the person who owned him got themselves assassinated.  though he never saw or spoke to the assassin, he was smart enough to recognize an opportunity when it presented itself and took the chance to escape
  • traveled around novus a little, after procuring himself an identity, unsure of what to do
  • eventually settled down in carcani, knowing that it was such a messy, borderline lawless district that he'd be able to disappear before anyone could possibly come after him to claim ownership, in addition to the fact that, despite everything, mechanical beings' rights are pretty secure there
  • as things go in carcani, he eventually turned to a life of crime, and despite being new to the neighborhood, he's confident, resilient and resourceful enough to have gotten himself situated in his own position of power before long
  • people HAVE come to 'collect' him but hes so powerful and well respected within his own circles theyve never been able to actually touch him
  • despite very much so being a criminal he's fair, judicious and kind.  prefers to settle problems and negotiations with words, but Will beat ass if pressed
  • once had Maverick within his employ, and though he's long since gone 'solo', the two still remain on good terms.  Regis never formally joins the gang, but he's a trustworthy, reliable ally the whole way through