
4 years, 10 months ago



Name Fern
Called Fern
Age Young Adult
Gender Female
Race Baphomet
Role Nursery Owner
Zodiac Key

Fern is an outgoing, physical individual. She grows restless easily, and is always trying to arrange a camping trip, quick sports game or a night of drinks. Unfortunately, her job as the accountant of she and her sister's nursery keeps her incredibly busy. While they run the business together, Fern usually defers to Wattle's judgement - she'd rather simply go along with the flow than start a fight. Fern is hard-working and thrives in anything that requires manual labour.


  • Camping
  • Plants
  • Sports


  • Uselessness
  • Failure
  • Isolation


Fern and her sister Wattle were raised by two attentive parents. They were taught the importance of nature and staying grounded even with civilisation pressing in around them - their childhood consisted mostly of camping trips and establishing small vegetable patches in their backyard. The sisters were always close and faced everything together, usually nursing each others' sprained joints, scratches and scrapes. The two were still nature-driven when they were sent to the Academy for schooling. Their parents shifted from insisting they go out and explore to signing them up for as many school activities they could. The two of them were part of the scouts, the gardening club, sports teams and even the occasional school camping trip. It was exhausting for the siblings, but they seemed content putting in the work for their parents as long as they had each other.

Overwhelming Expectations

Wattle and Fern were popular at school - Wattle for her charming personality and Fern for her success in anything physical. They were a package deal for every party invite, as long as they could even find the time to go. They did well in classes - Wattle topped most of hers, whereas Fern seemed to thrive in anything practical or mathematical. Their proactive parents expected their daughters to apply for all the top university courses, 'subtly' hinting that they should pursue law, medicine or any other field that would bring pride to their family. They failed at trying to hide their disappointment when the girls went for more 'mundane' courses at Asterion; Wattle majored in her childhood passion for Botany while Fern studied mathematics. The true shock and dismay came when the daughters revealed why they had studied those particular courses.

Familiar Flora

The two had been developing the designs for a nursery since they were still in the Academy, but had managed to avoid revealing their plans to their parents. The outdoors was where their passions lay and no amount of extra-curricular activities had swayed them. With or without their parents' blessing, the two were determined to see their dream come to life. After years of hard study, networking and busting their tails in hospitality jobs, the two saved enough to put a down payment on a large brick warehouse in the city. Every morning before work and evening after their shifts, the two were at the warehouse, working hard to make their dream a reality. Together they could do anything, and this was no exception. Familiar Flora - the name of their business - now operates in Asphodel and is popular amongst the younger population. They have set up their warehouse to look like a rainforest, with plants lining the walls, floors and ceilings. They have even begun to offer to rent out their plants for events - Wattle's keen eye for aesthetics and Fern's skills in accounting has turned Familiar Flora into a newly trending business.



Wattle [ Sister ]

Fern's sister and best friend in the world; she and Wattle have been inseparable since they were children. Although they can bicker and fight, it doesn't take long for the two to come to an agreement - usually Fern simply agrees with Wattle, trusting her judgement (and not wanting to face her stubbornness). The two live together, run a business together and will likely never be apart - they're a package deal.

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