


Overly Open . Kind Hearted . Artist

She’s very kind hearted but that typically can get her in trouble. She loves others and will open up to anyone for a hope to make friends. When she gets in trouble with others, she has trouble saying no. She loves to draw and sing. Surprisingly, she’s into rock music along with heavier metal. Other than that, she likes to spend time painting and making ceramic pieces of art.

She was born on a farm but didn’t always enjoy it. She isn’t very close with her family as others might think. Her family will act one way in public but will be closed off from each other at home. She is an only child and has both parents. The parents spend more time out of the house than they do inside.

  • Enjoys taking care of other peoples problem
  • Typically comes off super talkative but can go quiet easily
  • Listens to music all the time

designed by @Pastelducky . Status NFS
 Code by Wolfhowler