


7 years, 10 months ago


Name: Erebos
Species: elven Leopard/cougar
Age: ?
Sex: Male.
Gender: Genderqueer.
Mortal/Immortal: Immortal, I think.
Height: ?
Basic Personality: Erebos has a great desire to heal the weak and sick. He's a very calming presence to be around, and he's very soft spoken and comfortable with himself. He sees the scenery and landscapes of the world in washes like a painting with strong white highlights. The colours are tinted by his mood, desaturating and taking on different hints of colour when he's depressed.
Family: None of note.
Past: Erebos has lived a lie of some depth since he moved from the tribe in which he grew up to the city. In the tribe he was expected to be a man, and he played the role adequately. In the city, he lives in skirts and dresses as he pleases, prefering togas and gold trinkets, though they leave him bare chested and feeling naked. He is a huge fan of fancy ladies coats.
Attitudes towards him: Erebos is well respected but largely ignored. He and S@sha still talk frequently.