Skolle Pertro



4 years, 6 months ago


Your name is SKOLLE PERTRO and you [].


Your interests include [].  You also like to play video games sometimes.

Your trolltag is catastrophesBeckoning and Y0U TYPE L1KE Y0U KN0W BETTER THAN EVERY1.

• - - - •
Gender: ???
Age: 6 sweeps (bodily)
Blood color: Mutant candy red
Sign: Norse rune Perthro, symbolizing “the unknown”, “fate”, or “change”.
Title: Thief of Doom
Dream Moon: Derse
Powers: Via experienced god tier: pulling things out of doomed timelines, getting Trollian to connect to doomed timelines, "fixing" things by removing Doom, granting others the brief ability to break the rules (of sGrub, the universe, life itself, etc)

• - - - •
When it became obvious that the session they were playing in was going to fail, Skolle took fate into their own hands.  They used their godtier powers to sneak themself and the ghosts of their friends into the dream bubbles (after engineering their deaths, of course).  They then use the juju they gave to Fennra as a grub to communicate with her and generally screw with that session as well.