Huang Meiling



4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Huang Meiling




300 (acts/looks like she's around 18-19)


INTJ 8w7



Meiling is a very brash and direct individual. If she dislikes something, she'll do anything in her power to get rid of it. If she likes something, expect it to be one of the only things she cares about for the time being. She has a strong dislike for humans because they are the species who tried to destroy her, but most of the time she takes the form of a half-human, half-dragon. 

Meiling's destructive behavior has lead to forest fires, explosions, and other accidents. If she's on a rampage, it's nearly impossible to get her to calm down unless her anger is appeased. She highly dislikes being controlled or submitting to anyone other than herself. As a younger girl in the mid-1700s, she was often told by the other girls that she was too aggressive with her ambition, and to act more ladylike like the empress, her mother. This was one of the reasons why she turned into such a competitive individual, feeling hurt by their words.

Because of her dislike for humans, she refuses to fully hide her draconic appendages. 

Meiling does like her father, but doesn't respect his authority very much and sees him as more of a friend than a caretaker/figure of guidance.

She has a strange ardor towards Tiffany, even though they were once bitter enemies. She lives in Tiffany's apartment and sleeps in the same room as her, which is something she won't do with anyone else. Tiffany is one of the only people she'll share her softer side with, but she's grown to tolerate the students taught by her father.


About 300 years ago, the ruling empress of China gave birth to a unique child before she died, unable to control her own megalomania. Almost 8,000 years on Earth, Huang Long refused to birth a child, no matter the woman. But when he fell in love with Empress Qian, his refusal faltered, and Meiling was conceived. When she was born, it was certain. Huang Meiling was the second earthly dragon in existence, and it was unknown what the consequences would be, assuming there were any. 

Years passed by, and Meiling was starting to become her own person. However, Huang Long worried, as it seemed she had inherited her mother's aggressive and power-hungry disposition. Always the most reckless when playing with the other children, she didn't have a care in the world. She cared for her friends, but always went overboard. Eventually, the other children began to abandon her, afraid of being hurt. Meiling was lonely, and felt even worse for being unable to control herself. She didn't want to hurt her friends.

In her teenage years, the other girls at her school would often berate her for her proclivity towards traditionally male-dominated games. She enjoyed sparring classes, self-defensive martial arts, and rough-housing in the courtyards. Even though these activities were enjoyable for her, she always felt singled out from the other girls, and wished she could befriend them. Her male friends started to move on as well, finding lovers and pursuing careers. She was lonely; and no one understood, because no one knew she was a dragon.