Uzumaki Taro



4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Konoha Bingo Book

100 Million Ryo

Kumo Bingo Book

50 Million Ryo


Name: Uzumaki Taro

Aliases/Nicknames: The Will o Wisp

Age: Part I (), Part II (20) Blank Period (21), Boruto (35)

Sex: Female

Gender: Nonbinary

Sexuality: Ace

Nationality: Land of Sound

Clan: Uzumaki

Kekkai Genkai (if any): Scorch Release, Uzumaki Chakra Chains

Abilities: Fire release, wind release

Rank: Jonin

Physical Appearance: Taro’s long red hair is kept in a ponytail, which they will use to whip someone in the face sometimes. Blacks and browns bring out their eyes, according to them.

Personality: Taro is a focused individual, but very much one who likes to play with their food.

Backstory: It’s unclear where Taro was born, but they came into Orochimaru’s possession at a young age when he saw their potential and took them from their parents. Growing up, they learned how to control their Kekkai Genkai and stands as one of Orochimaru’s more loyal followers. They were never in the running to become his right hand, however, but was slated to be a potential future vessel. Once they became a member of Team Kosho, they realized that they would never be Orochimaru’s vessel. Instead, they would be Kosho’s if necessary.

Most findable at: Land of Sound, Orochimaru’s hideouts