Aether Michel



7 years, 8 months ago



【Name】 Aether Michel
【Age】 25
【Gender】 Male
【Origin】 The Jokester
【Alias】 Aeth, First Alert
【Sign】 Taurus
【Orientation】 Homosexual
【Ethnicity】 Greek - American
【Face Claim】Marc Shulze
【Theme】 I Will Follow You Into the Dark

Aether is a hot mess.

Emphasis on the hot. He is the guy you’d love to have around at a party, not so much at your uncle's funeral. He’s a jokester with an alarming lack of discretion - He can never say the right thing at the right time. With a nervous laughing tick and a great need to be liked, he can sometimes be annoying. Nonetheless, he’s good at heart and rarely does anything with ill intent; Fiercely loyal with a lot of love to give, he’s sure to put a smile on your face.



✗ Dimwitted|Easily-Manipulated|Submissive|Nondiscretionary|Secretive

✓ Loyal|Jokester|Flirtatious|Social|Empatheic

(expanded): Aether is the definition of a jokester. He makes a joke out of nearly everything, even when it’s not necessarily the right time. He loves to make puns, dirty jokes, and most of all, gay jokes. He’s easily prone to love and being manipulated by those who offer it; He’ll always be protective of who he thinks is working in his own interest. This unfortunately, has made him quite jumpy and fidgety whenever he's yelled at or treated aggressively. His nervous tick is laughter through everything, as well as smoke seeking out of his eyes and mouth. A little spacey with just about everything and unable to stay on a topic for long, Aether loves to have lively conversations with those around him. He’s very sociable

Like said, Aether is very easily manipulated. He seems to be magnetic to those who are killers, manipulative, or just great liars. These are the ones to offer the most to him, even if he doesn’t understand their intentions. Still, Aether’s loyalty is a blessing and a curse. It puts him in danger and can sometimes endanger those around him. His desperation for love is a huge flaw.



Music has always been a getaway for Aether. This how it’s been since he was 14 and met his best friend, someone who was so naturally musically talented. He wanted to be like her, have the talent that she had. With his chameleon-like habits in his adolescence, he tried out several instruments. Guitar, violin, flute, piano; None worked, until he eventually settled on ukulele. Ironically to ‘impress girls’. It works just the same on guys, fortunately. Now, he uses his ukulele for good; Such as calming down his son, or making small parody songs to deal with feelings. He sometimes writes songs for his best friend, or will sell others he keeps in his book to other artists.


What Aether lacks in technical skills, he makes up for in with humor. Though he may not be a good arguer, or very handy with fixing things, he always has a joke and a smile to offer. Since he was 6 years old, Aether has been telling bad knock knock jokes from a book his father gave him. Yes, he may not always know the right time to make a joke, which can cause for some awkward and uncomfortable situations. Still, he will do his best to mold to your sense of humor and make you laugh or smile, even it's just once. Bad moods will never stay long if he has anything to do about it.


Aether is a talker. If there’s one thing he loves to do, it’s talk. To strangers, friends, homeless people, anyone. He always have something to say, whether he should or not. This makes Aether friendly - He’s able to find friends and connections easily. Unfortunately, it makes it easier to steal his wallet. When it comes to disputes between his loved ones or two strangers, he can come in with his acts. Usually, his health comes into play on this; whether it's talking until the anger has turned on him, or being pulled away from the situation. Sometimes he even has to hurt himself with a risky act - Anything to pull away from the conflict.


【Height】 6’0 Feet
【Skin tone】 Very white
【Hair Color】 Natural blonde
【Demeanor】 Usually relaxed posture, always a grin or looking mischievous
【Build】 Skinny, doesn’t work out - Really unhealthy and breakable body
【Eye color】 Blue Gray
【Hair style】 Swept bangs and cow lick - Very fluffy hair
【Style】 Wears the same 2 shirts and pair of pants - Will steal his friends clothes, which are either too big or small

Aether is very non threatening when it comes to his demeanor. He’s basically a tree with weak bones. He looks like someone you could easily beat up, and it proves true. Except for having the room full of smoke when he gets nervous, there's nothing that could alarm you to Aether’s presence in a room.

Notes (For Drawing) 

Aether has grey-blue eyes

There is a separation between his head and his neck, with smoke in between..

Blonde eyebrows and very fluffy hair



(TO BE ADDED) Aether was raised in a strictly catholic home. His mother was a defense lawyer and his mother was a child psychologist. They moved around for the first 4 or 5 years of Aethers life due to his mother's pro-bono work for a religion based campaign. This is where Aether’s obsession with humor started to emerge - Without any friends to call his own, jokes were the quickest way to get the people around him to like him.

Aether’s childhood was mostly spent in without any permanent friends. His best friend was actually his dad - Liam, who he took most after. They both share the same nervous laughter ticks and tendency to be overshadowed. Still, Aether looked up to his Father more than anything, and Liam loved his son more than anything. Liam was the one to nurture Aether’s sense of humor, and to give him his first joke book at 6 year old.


Fusce facilisis, lectus et scelerisque pellentesque, nunc augue gravida tortor, nec pretium lacus elit non massa. Proin aliquam elit nec sem tristique, in blandit dui imperdiet. Cras neque felis, semper eu purus eu, imperdiet vulputate mi. Mauris eget mauris sed urna sodales pharetra non nec ex. Sed facilisis, turpis sit amet placerat pretium, tortor lacus lacinia ex, vitae facilisis sapien purus quis neque. Integer eget ligula eu turpis egestas mollis. Sed dignissim, quam ac aliquam gravida, dolor odio pellentesque nisl, quis ullamcorper quam augue vel dui.

Curabitur blandit nibh vitae bibendum dictum. Aenean aliquam odio lorem, vel dapibus nisi egestas non. Sed tellus nulla, cursus at arcu sed, congue scelerisque justo. Nam dui ex, dapibus quis scelerisque sit amet, egestas elementum ipsum. Quisque at massa rhoncus, cursus lorem vel, egestas sem. Nulla nec odio a ex dapibus tempor in non lectus. Etiam lectus eros, fringilla sed dignissim eu, vehicula nec tortor. Suspendisse commodo mi nec eros maximus, quis ultrices massa malesuada. Donec imperdiet congue quam, id accumsan mauris consectetur ut. In maximus dui fringilla, vehicula sem ac, egestas lorem. Etiam dui diam, blandit eu vestibulum vel, placerat id tortor. Donec faucibus, lorem eu lacinia sagittis, velit nunc semper dui, non rutrum ante lacus a orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sed elit ac tellus aliquam sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat.



Francisco [ Lover/Best Friend ]

Aether’s significant other that’s he is absolutely, head over heels, smitten with. Aether and Fran were friends long before they were together - Seeing this short, apparent teen with psychedelic eyes and catching marshmallows in his mouth in a coffee shop in the middle of the day. Aether was amazed. Through a short bout of coaching, a wee bit of stalking, and several short jokes and piggyback rides; A friendship was born. From friendship came the infamous ‘gay moments’, and one drunk confession later, they were a couple. Aether loves Fran from his riveting resilience to his caring nature - He’s admittedly in denial about the bads. Bottom line, he feels safe with and loved with Fran. To him, that’s all the matters.

Lou [ Best friend…? ]

Louie is, in layman's terms, Aether’s abuser. He controls Aether’s life under the threat of physical and emotional violence. He buys nearly everything for him - From his clothes to his food to his entertainment. He keeps Aether under a tight leash, and Aether will defend him to nearly all costs. He hides his bruises, his black eyes, his bite marks - He’s used to faking a smile and telling his loved ones he’s alright. He believe Lou cares for him above all else - They’ve been friends since they were 16. Lou was the one to put Aether in rehab. So why wouldn’t he?


  • When Aether is nervous or feeling strong emotions, smoke spills from his mouth and nose. The smell, consistency, and color depends on the emotion.
  • Aether is distant with his mother and father ever since being kicked out at 17 years old due to his homosexualty. His resentment for his father stretched far before this to 15 years old, when Liam allowed Aether to be sent a conversation camp.
  • Aether loves fashion - He knows it's a cliche, but his mother was a stickler on nice clothes and presenting yourself accurately. Dressing nice makes him feel nice. Nothing like a power suit to brighten you up on a bad day.
  • Aether is prone to panic attacks..
  • Aether works for a very shady and mysterious organization. He’s unable to quit his job, and has a very odd relationship with his boss, Ms.June. It’s not uncommon for Aether to come home with dark bruises or a dazed state. He claims to make clothes for her… but it may be more.

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