


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Chiaki Kuroki









Body Type


Sexual/Romantic Orientation



Agender (They/Them)


27th September


Japanese (Native), English, Intermediate French/Korean/Mandarin

Significant Other

Alistair Delacroix




  • Long, black, straight hair styles into a hime cut. It reaches their lower back (mid back when worn in a ponytail)
  • They have a medium size scar on their upper lip and cheek from an accident when they were younger, and several smaller self inflicted scars scattered on their arms and thighs. They also have a lot of pale stretch marks on their stomach and legs.
  • Eyes on the larger side, with large, doe like irises and monolids. They often use white eyeliner/shadow and fake bottom lashes to make their eyes look slightly bigger. Their nose is on the larger, more prominent side and they have full, pouty lips.
  • They have a pear shaped body, with a soft, chubby stomach and arms, wide hips and large thighs. Their skin is soft and tan. Their eyes are a dark, deep brown, so dark they look black.
  • They have, in total, 30 piercings, including 9 in their ears, collarbones, hips, navel, septum, bridge, lip, tongue, dermals on both upper cheekbones, nipples and a frenum ladder (if you dont know what that is its. nsfw)
  • Fashionwise they're mostly into various gothic fashions, with lots of corsets, lace, buckles and chains. They don't wear skirts or dresses ever with the exception of what they normally wear in their Cervidian form.
  • In their Cervidian form they have the lower body, ears and antlers of a deer and the upper body of a human.Their fur is black, short, shiny and glossy. Their antlers are large, velvety, and black in colour.


  • Artsy- They are an artist, primarily using watercolour paints, inks and charcoal. They mainly illustrate from the natural world, but occasionally dabble in portraiture, surrealism and fashion.
  • Serious- They arguably take things a little too seriously. They don't tend to make jokes, are very straightforward and don't tend to get along too well with people who are too playful or never take anything seriously.
  • Diligent- They're a hard worker and committed- it's very unlike them to not see something through. They're thorough and take pride in being such. They also like to take care of others, though they're quick to fluster when this is pointed out.
  • Practical
  • Guarded
  • Rebellious Streak


  • As the second born child of royals, their role since a very young child was that of a holy emissary- responsible for completing tasks such as regular prayer, making offerings, and purification rituals to name a few- so that their country, people and land could be protected and prosper. They performed these tasks rigorously and accepted this as their duty- but were much more resistant towards rigorous education schedule, overbearing tutors and strict expectations. After years of struggle, their tutors laid off a bit and accepted that Chiaki would continue escaping to nearby forests and woodlands rather than classes, and they got a bit of leniency in those regards. They were never particularly close with their father, but loved their mother dearly and got their interest in plants, geology and earth magic from her.
  • Just before they entered their teen years, both of their parents passed away which deeply traumatised them and kickstarted their mental health issues- they already had depressive tendencies beforehand, but now were basically suicidal and shut themselves away the best they could. The only people who they would even speak to for a year were their older sister Akane, her advisor Seijiro, and Min, the three of which they clung to. They eventually became functional, but were a lot more shut off and cynical.
  • In their adolescence, Alistair, who had been travelling, ended up in Chiaki's city and the two eventually met. Chiaki was initially cold and withdrawn, as they were towards most people, but eventually warmed up to them, especially as Alistair clearly had no idea who they were and actually enjoyed being treated just like a normal person for once. Chiaki appreciated Alistair's confidence, but enjoyed the glimpses of Alistair's ditsiness and obliviousness which only made Chiaki trust and warm up to them more. The two became very close until Alistair decided to move on, which hurt Chiaki a lot even if they didn't show it. They felt frustrated letting Alistair drift away in such a carefree manner, and their mental health worsened.
  • They were required to remain in their city until the age of 18 by tradition to continue their role. They were depressed during this, but coped. Once they reached 18, they decided to leave, and only needed to return a couple times a year. They ended up in the human world, specifically America, in 2009. By chance, they met Alistair in a coffee shop, who was overjoyed to see them again, but Chiaki was still holding on to a slight grudge over feeling abandoned and was slightly cold and standoffish. For convenience, though, they agreed to move in with Alistair.
  • Their relationship with Alistair warmed up and intensified over time. They became a source of emotional support for eachother. Chiaki begun to harbour sexual feelings towards Alistair as well as a desire to cling to them, but did their best to repress it as much as possible. After a month or so of tension, they began a physical relationship.  After several months of this, Alistair eventually confessed romantic feelings to Chiaki and the two began casually, then seriously, dating.



The two grew up fairly close, with Akane being the more headstrong and forward sibling, When the two began attending school with other children, she and Min would protect Chiaki when people would try to bully them for being too quiet and spending all of their time on their own. Along with Min and Alistair, Akane is one of the people who can best keep Chiaki calm and feeling safe. She truly wants the best for her younger sibling, but hopes that they will continue growing and become stable enough to be more independent. She feels no resentment for them passing their responsibilities to her, as it was what she always thought would have been better. She can be fierce and aggressive when protecting them.


Chiaki was always much closer to their mother than their father, and found her much more relaxed and approachable. She would tell them stories, teach them about plants and how to use them, take them on walks, teach them about crystals and earth magic. They were greatly affected by her death, and still keeps at least one picture of her on them at all times.


Chiaki was more distant from their father, who spent more time with Akane. Their relationship wasn't particularly deep, but Chiaki respected their father deeply. Akio hoped that Chiaki would have been the one to succeed him, but accepted that Akane was realistically the better choice.


Since the two met, Chiaki has been fond of Min. Like Akane, Min would protect Chiaki from anyone who would try to pick on them. In their childhood, Chiaki had a crush on Min. When Min moves to America with her wife, the two reconnect and become close, with Min often giving Chiaki advice.


The two knew eachother growing up both being of high status, and were friends, but as the society Jay belongs to is more nomadic they couldn't get too close. They met again in America, and became close, with Jay having a crush on Chiaki for a time. They're now good friends and hang out often. 


Alistair is Chiaki's fiance, and a person that they consider to be one of the most significant influences on them. The two have a very strong and mutually beneficial relationship, as they tend to balance eachother out fairly well. Ever since they met they've been drawn to eachother, intrigued by the other, and even when they were apart they would think of the other. Alistair was Chiaki's first sexual partner and they are eachother's first love. Their relationship started off as purely platonic roommates, when Chiaki moved to America. Alistair was initially shocked and surprised, never expecting that Chiaki would actually come looking for him. After getting to know eachother better for a while, learning about eachothers pasts and what they struggle with in the present, Alistair became interested in Chiaki romantically whereas Chiaki became interested in Alistair physically, and the two entered a physical relationship. Alistair was fine with this initially, but soon his feelings deepened and he didn't know how to deal with it. Their relationship became more and more tense until the two end up arguing, Alistair leaves to think whilst Chiaki worries, not knowing what's actually the problem. Alistair returns and after a conversation with Min and his father whilst out, he confesses his feelings and the two agree to begin dating, and later fall in love with eachother. The two are almost inseperable and love eachother dearly, and are soulmates. They would do anything for eachother and consider eachother the most important person in eachother's lives. Chiaki is more quiet, laid back and reserved, but does like to get their own way, and does tease occasionally. When they're not panicking or severely depressed they are definitely the more level headed and practical of the two, whereas Alistair is more emotional and spontaneous.


Zucker and Chiaki are acquaintances through Alistair. Chiaki actively finds Zucker to be annoying, but tolerates them and tries their best to be civil. Despite having a distaste for them, Chiaki will readily stand up for them when necessary and tries to push them to make better and more responsible decisions and to face problems rather than to not think about it.


Fleur and Chiaki meet after he starts sleeping with Zucker, and Fleur near immediately develops a crush on Chiaki. Chiaki's level of patience and supportiveness with Fleur throws him off hugely to begin with, and it takes a while before he starts accepting it and letting them help him more, being more honest and open with how he feels. Along with Jay, the three are good friends and spend a good amount of time together.

Misc Information

  • They enjoy cooking, and does of the cooking in their home. They also don't eat meat or animal products, which is the norm where they're from.
  • Their foods of choice are kitsune udon, harusame salad with vegetable dumplings, most crunchy green veggies and cucumber, tteokbokki and apples/apple based desserts.
  • Their favourite colours are black and white.
  • They started getting piercings at 16.
  • They're stronger than they seem and can easily lift Alistair.
  • Their voice is soft, very androgynous, and somewhat monotonous, with a noticeable, but not heavy Japanese accent. Their laugh is a quiet giggle.
  • They love black coffee.
  • They grow and tend to their own plants on their balcony. They raise things from medicinal plants and cooking herbs to decorative flowers and small trees.
  • They dislikes planes and is afraid of loud noises. They rarely sleep in the dark and tends to insist on having some form of lighting on in theirs and Alistair's bedroom.
  • They are a morning person and usually wakes up no later than 9am. They like being out in the early morning the best.
  • They taught themself to play piano, harp and violin, but they rarely practice.
  • They love animals, especially small/woodland animals.
  • They like confident, charming and elegant masculine people and tough but protective, alternative looking and big-sisterly feminine people or any mixture of those for nonbinary people.
♡Shut out what's destructed round you, look at me I'm a sea I'm your sea♡