Hello!! Would u be willing to trade/sell this kitsumera :0!? 

Hello are you selling this bean anytime soon I'm just curious

Ahhh hello do you mind if my kitsumera be friends with yours

hello why did you deleted your deviant art ? did something happen

I didn't, I was banned! My new account coldwindss.deviantart.com

oh I'm sorry

It's totally fine!

I have this kitsumera http://toyhou.se/489969.manchac If youd be interested in a swap. I read on the Kitsumera Trading Post youd be willing to trade them http://fav.me/d9v7je8

That was actually the same kitsumera I won in an auction. It was my first one too. Here is the reason I'm saying no, Lost Forest Lake has a worth of $50 while Bering has a worth of $120 + she is petalfox made and not a guest designer. You'll have to add up some worth of characters + points.