
WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!



Personal Details

Full Name Nanami ----
Nicknames N/A
Gender Female
Species --
Age 13
Height -
Birthday January 4th *starsign*
Likes Cute things, pretty things, finding out new things about the people that live above water, spending time at the beach, spending time with her friends, favourite colour = blue
Dislikes -
Strengths Nanami is good at
Weaknesses Nanami is TERRIBLE at keeping secrets.
Powers Telepathy, as well as some sort of 'sense' that allows her to see despite having no eyes.
Alignment -



(para about positives)
(para about negatives)


Nanami has lived near the beach in the town Zeph and River live in for as long as she can remember. All her life, she has been curious about the people that live above water, and has always wanted to live there among them.

A few years ago, she met and befriended Belinda, and around a year ago she made friends with Opal. Both of them shared the same curiosity about the people above water Nanami has, and all three of them hoped that one day, they would meet one of the people that live above water. However, there was just one problem: they were all too afraid to get close enough to the beach to do that as they feared they would get stuck there. Fortunately, they attempted to conquer this fear each day by trying to slowly get closer and closer to the beach.

Sadly, the end of summer came before they could get close enough to meet somebody on the beach. Fortunately, they weren't willing to give up just yet, and once the next summer came around they tried again.

This time, they were finally able to get close enough, and the three soon met Zeph and River, and started to spend lots of time with them.

Nanami is still friends with Belinda, Opal, Zeph and River, and spends time with all four of them often.


This is just a brief summary of this character's relationships - their links have more info on them, so be sure to check those out, too!

Friends - She is close friends with Opal and Belinda (who doesn't have a profile yet), and has fairly recently made friends with Zeph and River.
Enemies - None of my characters are enemies with her at the moment, though that might change as I add more profiles.
Family - Only child, both parents alive
Relationship status - Single/Not actively looking/Sexuality unknown (She doesn't know much about romantic love at all, let alone what her sexuality is)

