


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Five foot 8



Closest to

Charlie Dubois, Olivia Miles, Marrissa Wild, Jason Miles




Jake MilesAge: 22Height: 5 foot 8Weight 310Relationships: Triplet: Jason Miles, Triplet: Joshua Miles: Mother: Dixie Miles, Father: Chase Miles, friend: Marrissa Wild Boyfriend: Charlie Dubois little brother: Jay Miles

Warning jake's story may have some triggering moments

Jake was one of triplets, which defined most of his childhood. This provided him friendship when he needed it, a shoulder to lean on, and someone to switch places with when he wanted to get out of the horrors of gym class. However he began to feel like he was living in his brothers’ shadows after time. Both of his triplet brothers got good grades, and were better at sports, as did his younger brother,

For a while Jake resented his brothers because of this but this resentment faded with age. The three enjoyed playing in their tree house, and “camping out” in the living room. During these sessions they would roast marshmallows over the stove, tell spooky stories and sleep in make shift sleeping bags. The three were very different. Jake was always the more caring and compassionate of the three, Jason had a tough outer exterior but was nice deep down and had a fixation on snakes, meanwhile Joshua was very quiet and shy. 

At the age of 11 his brother Joshua passed away tragically. This is because the three were goofing around climbing on things in their parent’s barn and Joshua slipped from very high up.

This left Jake and Jason devastated, and for a while the two wouldn’t speak to anyone but each other, as they felt they were the only people who understood one another’s emotions as no one was as close as the three of them. Their parents signed them up for therapy as they both had been present at the time of the accident, but the therapists for the most part were unable to get them to speak. They got through to Jason a little through art therapy.
Jake began to stress eat during this time due to the high tensions and lack of his brother
Though still very silent Jake grew to become a fan of a man by the name of Uriah Mueller during this time. Uriah was a missionary traveling to all 50 states to spread his message. But he was not spreading a message of any deity, he was spreading the importance of loving one another, embracing one’s self, and random acts of kindness. It was due to Uriah that Jake was able to slowly get back on his feet. This is because he believed Uriah would make the world a better place for him and his brother, a place where no one got hurt, and were everyone would enjoy their time on earth, a place Joshua would be proud of.

When Uriah went through Jake’s home state, Jake went out to meet him, with Jason close by his side as Jake was terrified with nerves. He had no idea what to say to a celebrity like him. and when he finally saw him, tears filled his eyes, and he could barely speak. So Jason said “ my brother wants to thank you, please don’t let him down.“

Jake began to speak again shortly after that night. Mainly because he was upset that he could not thank Uriah himself and tell him how much he believed in him.
Jake never forgot that night, the moment was permanently a part of him. Everything from seeing him, to internalizing the fact that his brother cared for him was wonderful, but he never wanted to not be able to speak again, so he began to speak A LOT. He constantly was talking about Uriah’s message as passionately as possible. He felt like life would always be okay if he spoke his mind.
Though life wasn’t always okay, Jake was often bullied for his appearance and for being to feminine in nature, Jake tried his hardest to hold his head high regardless though because he believed it was what Uriah would do.
Six years later Uriah passed away, and Jake decided to try and carry on his mission. Though he couldn’t journey like Uriah had since he was still in school, but he began to blog to try and reach as many people as he could. He wrote about everything even things he had not told Jason, and he began to spread the philosophy of loving one’s self. He copied down speeches or phrases Uriah had said that had not became very popular, and he spent all of his free time sharing the words of the wisest man he had ever seen.

His friend Mercedes soon had bared a child, after three years she realized could not afford to take care of her, and could not handle her hyper and destructive nature, so Jake adopted her . The girl’s name was Olivia , she had as much energy as 50 squirrels at all times, and the manners of a rapid dog. She had the tendency to bite, kick and scratch. But Jake never gave up on her, he buyed her toys and took her ” camping out” like he had when he was young, and he showed her to the tree house where he spent most of his childhood. Jake’s mother and father helped a lot too, as it gave them the chance to pamper a child again. Though they were very protective of her, and tried to keep an eye on her at all times.
It was due to Olivia that Jake met the love of his life Charlie.Jake and  Olivia were out shopping, and She was sitting on Jake’s shoulders wearing a cape. Though she was still feisty she had learned to love Jake greatly. Jake and her were goofing around and Charlie couldn’t help but giggle watching, he found the whole scene adorable. This caught jake’s attention, and he saw it as a great time to get Alexis used to people outside the family. “ Did you hear that Olivia were hilarious, we should be comedians!!” He said to her jokingly “ you sir you would come watch our show wouldn’t you” he said looking at Charlie and she snorted “ daddy only you think you are funny” Charlie laughed again, he found them both beyond adorable and he loved how Jake was towards her. When they went their separate ways Charlie found them again outside the store and handed Alexis a stuffed kitten saying he couldn’t help but get her something with his change.
The two left for their homes, but Charlie couldn’t get Jake out of his mind and went to the store every night hoping to see him again, and one day he did, and this time Jake was on his own. Charlie went up to him, scared out of his mind, and Jake could see that he felt much like Jake did that night with Uriah. Charlie was looking down at his feet as he mumbled “ I… Haven’t been able to get you out of my mind… I know I don’t know you but I think… I like you.”
Jake smiled and said “we should talk sometime so that you can meet the real me so that you know for sure, just promise me you won’t be scared to tell me anything ever again.“
The two have been dating for two years now

Within the last year the couple and Olive have moved to Octavia, a progressive town which is much more accepting of them. The town is famous as it is the birth place of Uriah, and the location of the one and only Church of Uriah in the country. Jake attends the church as often as possible with Olivia in order to try and teach her of love and acceptance of everyone. In his free time Jake enjoys hanging out in a small family run Cafe by the name of Delites, where he buys cake pops, drinks coffee and blogs on tumblr. Due to him frequently visiting this cafe he has became friends with another regular by the name of Rachel Myers who goes there to get her caffeine fix. He also has befriended the young girl, Yuki who is frequently there as her guardian is the owner.