Darya Vavrik



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Darya Vavrik

Nickname: Dasha

Age: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Birthday: June 2nd, 1998

Sign: Gemini

Gemstone: Moonstone

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Anything with the flavor of Ginger

Hated Food: Peppermint

School: Meadowview


My Little Pony: It was inevitable that anyone from this family not be swept up by the My Little Pony craze. However, Dasha loves to maintain the fact that she liked My Little Pony before Friendship was Magic. She can distinctly remember getting a video from the library, some old My little pony movie with two witches and a giant purple ooze monster…not to say that she doesn’t like the newest incarnation of the show, she just liked it before it was all vectors and amazingness. That’s all.

Singing: One day, Dasha hopes to break into the music business, becoming the next Adele or the next Taylor Swift…one day she’ll have millions upon millions of adoring fans and she’ll be able to coin her own celebration just like Taylor Swift did with Swiftmass…only she’s thinking of having Dashamass? It has a pretty good ring to it. She has managed to keep on with a fairly good singing teacher and has been taking lessons for the past three years. When she graduates Meadowview this year she wants to head to DCU and get into their vocal program.

Cosplay: Dasha has always loved dressing up, but it used to be only a special treat for Halloween until she was old enough to discover the internet, and through the internet she found out about this wonderful thing called cosplay. Which is seriously just Halloween every day for whoever does it! Costume making and then running around in character, making friends and getting mad skills in designing and sewing…there is nothing bad about cosplaying that she can find. Plus it is a great bond between her and her younger sister Zoya who loves dressing up.


Sincere: When Dasha tells you something, she means it. She doesn’t falsely compliment someone, or suck up to gain favor, she doesn’t like mincing words and does her best to mean every word she says. You can always count on her to give you an honest opinion, no matter what.

Humble: While Dasha might be good at various things, she doesn’t let the praise or fame go to her head. She doesn’t like to think she’s better than anyone else and she doesn’t like to brag. It’s better to be good at something and not boast than it is to be the best at something and make everyone hate you because you can’t shut up about how great you are.

Flexible: It doesn’t matter what it is, Dasha wants to see you. She likes you a lot. IF you wanna change plans, fine and dandy. If her favorite show is cancelled, not an issue. If dinner plans get shifted an hour later, that’s fine too! There’s not much that can rile this Vavrik up, and she can handle any curve ball that is thrown at her, staying calm and cool. Everything is no problem!


Tactless: While Dasha might always be heartfelt and genuine with her words and actions, there are times when the situation does not warrant whatever is going to be said. There are some times when it would be better if she would just keep her mouth shut. She has often said what she is thinking or feeling and left many a hurt feeling in her wake. She is very bad at reading situations and knowing when not to say something.

Dependant: Being the younger twin…by a while four minutes, has meant that Dasha has lived all her life with two older siblings to guide her…and without this guidance, she does feel quite lost. It isn’t that she’s…incapable of making her own decisions or choosing her own things to like or dislike…she just very, very greatly prefers to have someone like it first or try it first…so she knows it’s good, that’s all. Yeah. That’s totally all.

Nosey: Dasha likes to know the 411. She likes to know everyone’s 411. She will do whatever she can to know your 411 even if your 411 is not what you want thrown out into the world. What did you have for dinner? What did you get on your test? Did your mom ever break up with her cheating boyfriend? She’ll ask and ask and ask question after question until she knows absolutely everything about absolutely everything, no matter how many feelings she hurts or how many toes you step on.  

Sailor Ingrid of Holly

Senshi Attack: Deck the Halls! Ingrid holds out her hand and five energy holly leaves fly out at her opponent, whirling like throwing stars, they hurt when they make contact. If she manages to hit an opponent with more than three of the leaves, they can leave small cuts in their wake. The attack can go up to ten feet away from Ingrid and can be used twice per battle.

Super Attack: Double Deck the Halls! Ingrid holds her hand out and five energy holly leaves fly out, they can be used now to attack her opponent like throwing stars again, or they can be used to shield Ingrid from an attack, blocking half of the blow if they are on her level, and 3/4's of the blow if they are a lower level than her. If they are stronger, it only blocks 1/4 of the blow. If she is using this power to attack her opponent, again it can reach 10 feet away, and the attack can be used three times per battle.

Eternal Attack: Holly Sickness! Ingrid holds out her hand and produces four small energy holly berries, which she then throws at opponents. If someone is hit by a berry, the berry causes intense stomach pain, feeling almost like a bad bout of the stomach flu. This feeling lasts for forty five seconds. The attack can be used once per battle, and can affect up to four people.