


4 years, 7 months ago



Name Stuffie
Called Stuffie
Age Young adult
Gender Male (he/him)
Race Ferret plush
Role Comfort character
Worth 0pts/0€
Theme Song link

"Yes, sometimes life is a big meanie to you, but can you really complain about it if you at least dont try to find a way to make it look better and brighter? Your future is yours and only you can change it. Now go out there, put a big smile on your face and do your best <3 "

"You failed, but at least you tried, so im very proud of you. Thanks for giving your best. Next time you will do much better."


  • Plushies and toys
  • Small fruits and nuts (in special almonds)
  • Playing
  • Calm music
  • Felines
  • Video games (Pokemon oooo)
  • His friends


  • Total darkness
  • Cold water (warm is fine)
  • Flashing lights
  • Yelling
  • Violence
  • Mean people
  • Getting his fur dirty

General info

This little ferret is known for being a bundle of joy. He is not very smart, but his good attitude and kind heart make it up for it without a doubt. He loves to make friends and hates to see them sad, he will do anything he can to make everyone happy. Stuffie as a stupidly extroverted personality, wanting to make friends with everyone he meets, along with being a little naive as well and thinking everyone is naturally good. He has lots of hobbies and things he likes to do, like playing video games, making his own toys and plushies, hanging out with friends or just listening to music while reading and vibing by himself. He also hates some stuff, but he tends to try ignore the things that he doesnt like and just smiles through them to try live the best and happiest life he can, he doesnt focus on the bad things, they are part of life and will always happen, he knows it.


Stuffie is a really simple looking ferret plush, he has the main body markings of a normal ferret, except for a rhombus shaped mark on his chest. His body is long but can change size to be even longet or shorter. Stuffie has cream and brown-ish colored fur along with a soft pink color for his nose, inner ears, pawpads and mouth. There is nothing else to point out except for his short legs, fluffy tail and round-ish ears. He is a fluff ball.



Beanie [ Friend ]

Beanie is one of Stuffie's friends. Even if Stuffie is a big dork and sometimes doesnt understand what Beanie's squeaks mean, he tries his best to communicate with this little bean and loves to carry him around on his back for walks or just to vibe.


Mike [ Best friend ]

Mike is one of Stuffie's best friend. They know each other since they were kids. They hang out a lot to get food or play video games together. Their dynamic is the typical tough cold guy (Mike) whose heart cant help but get warmed up by the smol sunshine (Stuffie).


Laurie [ Friend ]

This friendly Canadian teddy bear is also friends with Stuffie. He likes to hang out with Laurie along with Beanie on his free time. A bunch of plushy friends just vibing together and being buddies. Stuffie absolutely admires Laurie's fashion taste, he just thinks it looks pretty neat, probably because Stuffie himself would like to wear pretty clothes but find them hard to move around with since he moves on all four.

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