


4 years, 7 months ago


Name:Arlet Mao (originally named Mao Fenhua, though changed after his mother gave him up)

Age:Approx. 26



Weight:82 lbs 

Personality:Stoic, grumpy, passionate. 

Sexuality:Polyamorous xenosexual 

R/S:S N A T C H ED by two alien boys : )

Likes:Aliens, astronomy, discovering new things, chinese food (not the authentic kind, he's just lazy and the takeout is there.). 

Dislikes:Being bossed around, rules, being picked on, people denying the existence of aliens, cooking. 


Celian:Best friend, though he doesn't like to admit. 

Ryddick:That one weird pop star guy he knows about, people like his music for some reason?

Braxtyn: Not an alien supporter; therefore, irrelevant, seriously, who would like this guy?

Rime:BF #1 aka the goof ball; appreciates his enthusiasm, 10/10 would tease

Xiel:BF #2 aka more serious boy; The one to go to when u need peace n quiet, v handsome, gun knowledge? Cool, tell me more //hahatentaclehairgoswish

Phillip:SPACE RAT SPACE RAT //heloveshisspaceratok


Arlet was abandoned by his mother at an orphanage after years of being loathed by her after her husband left. Because he bore resemblance to his father, she hated him and couldn't stand the sight of him. She made this painfully obvious each and every day until she took him one night, left him in front of the orphanage at only the age of near three, and left, vanished, without a trace. The orphanage took in Arlet, though he was treated harshly by all the other children because of his strange behavior. Arlet was always the reserved, quiet type, which lead to many of the kids wondering if he were "hiding" something, or if something was wrong with him. The older children bullied him, shoving him around and calling him names that only made him pull away from everyone further and further. The leader of the orphanage grew worried, but never witnessed any of this.. Or so she acted like it.
One day, a young man visited the orphanage, taking a moment to visit each of the children, he stumbled upon Arlet, who quietly spoke to him about the reasons why he was so "weird" to the other children.
Not a few months after he had come to the orphanage, the young child had seen a bright light in the sky, finding it incredibly interesting, he claimed that he had seen it moving, and it was then that he faintly remembered one thing his mother had said in passing, just a few days before she had left him there.
She told him...
If it were up to her, she would leave him for the aliens.
Now what did that word mean, and what was its significance?
Of course, a three-year-old child couldn't comprehend that the existence of a world beyond the norm would possibly exist, but over the years, he devoted his time to find out.. Just what that word meant. Because in his mind he truly believed that if these beings truly existed... They would be the ones to accept him. As no one in this world ever had. They would show him kindness, and they would accept him, not abandon or ignore him as this world had. The stars gave him hope, he said. Hope that one day he could join them.. And finally, be a part of something.
So this was why.
He pulled away from everyone..
Because he was immersed in what these "aliens" were, and upon finding out that they were these.. Otherworldly beings, ones which no one had ever seen, he clung to that.
The young boy boldly said all this to the man in front of him, awaiting judgment, but he only had sympathy for him. telling him that he understood.
And so, it was soon that he had to leave, but he returned the very next day, looking for that little boy he'd seen that had fascinated him so greatly previously.
Upon arriving, he found that the boy had a few bruises and bumps, he was soaking wet, and sitting in the corner of the playground whilst the other children around him pretended he never existed.
The man felt horrible that he'd ever had to leave, but approached the boy with confidence, not asking about what had happened, and instead, trying to make pleasant conversation. Though... It was not until he made his move... That he had the upset child's full attention.
He took out a few things from his bag. Some books on astronomy, aliens, some little space-themed sneakers, but above all, what stood out the most was a pin, a hairclip that glistened in the afternoon light, a clip that had one little charm upon it. And it was that.. Of an alien.
And so, just like that, the man spent the rest of the day chatting with the child, hearing his enthusiastic talks before he had to leave as the afternoon sunset in.
He left the boy feeling optimistic and cared for, he had finally made a connection.
Though this was short-lived.
The next morning, Arlet was transferred to another orphanage along with a number of children, and when the man visited again that day, this time, pen in hand and important documentation to illustrate his background... The little boy was long gone.
And so he grew up.
Bitter with the world and the people who wronged him.
But each time he looks upon that clip, each time that he thinks back to those two days which were the best of his life..
He grows hopeful once more.
He lives his life studying the stars and all of the universe beyond his own, and he knows that one thing to be true.
If someone like that could believe in him, that they could support him when they hardly knew him, and not ridicule him...
Surely there was some truth to the statement... Yes?
The only thing he clung to in those years was that hope.
That hope that someday he would get to meet those otherworldly beings.
Those magnificent beings, not enough believed in by enough, but he knew they were real.
He knew it.
What he saw that night was no mistake.
And one day he'd prove it.
And... Maybe.. If by any circumstance were allowed, he could... Always romance one.
hehe, but that's wishful thinking, how could they love someone like him, surely, when they were so great...
Is it?...
