


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Ryddick Kyung



Weight:57 lbs

Sex/Gender: Male

Species: Red panda

Occupation: Singer (name-Pop Thrill)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Relationship status: taken by a lovely, tall, slender albino man u v u

Body type: Thin, larger hips and thicker lower body.

Personality: Kind unless agitated; aggressive towards lover (like a tsundere), stubborn, easily angered, sensitive, easy to cry.

Likes: Bamboo, singing, music, spending time with those he loves, his dog.

Dislikes: Rats(is terrified), cold weather, burning and cutting himself, cooking, bananas.

Voice type: Feminine, higher-pitched, often mistaken for a woman (comparable to Mitch Grassi of Superfruit) 

(small TW:

Child abuse; drugs) 

Backstory:Ryddick grew up with an abusive and homophobic mother, had little in his room regardless of his parents being extremely wealthy. She treated him awfully and traumatized him in many different ways, it got to the point where he no longer wanted to associate with anyone else, but also craved the freedom he realized many others had. He was severely bruised and scarred with a whip, as well as malnourished. He only witnessed it when he was not locked in his bare, attic space room with no windows, but it was enough to motivate him. He began to sneak out when he was in his teen years and met a boy named Kaochan. They had a relationship that went well for a year, but after a misunderstanding, he thought he had been broken up with and ran back home. Kaochan followed and it resulted in Ryddick's mother finding out, she immediately booted him from the house despite him being only 15 years of age, and Ryddick was forced on the streets without the little belongings he had. Ryddick quickly became addicted to drugs after a period of loneliness and desperation;  his life spiraled out of control. After finding a guitar in a trash can and playing it every single day for prolonged periods of time, his passion for music lead him to meeting a man by the name of Braxtyn. Braxtyn himself was sometimes lost and at risk of losing his company. He loved music as well, but never managed to find his "shining star". He saw this potential in Ryddick. He took Ryddick off the streets and brought him from the bottom-up. Ryddick became a better person and decided to live for himself, leaving the past behind and, after a long time and constant struggles, became a successful popstar who travels often. It wasn't until halfway through his journey that his career was boosted even further by a famous fashion designer by the name of Yuki, who grew extremely fond of Ryddick and contently promoted him far and wide. Because of this, Ryddick has become more and more prominent as the years go by. He's extremely content nowadays with each of his friends, spending weekends with his manager and Celian out of work, or Yuki when she isn't busy. Braxtyn is Ryddick's greatest supporter and pushes him forward. He and his father, Howard, ended up being his biggest backbones in the end. Admittedly, later in life when his father came back and apologized, at first he was hesitant. But over time, he realized it was the best decision he could have ever made. He's loved immensely, and he wouldn't have it any other way. 

Note:Ryddick has a good relationship with his father, he gave him his first dog and supports him. He is fearful of his mother but harbors no ill feelings. 

Random facts:

-Sucks at cooking anything except bamboo, chicken, and rice. 

-bananas are gross bro people who like them are weird

-loves trying out different outfits

-Has a few good friends: Eosan, Yuki, his manager (Braxtyn), Celian, Kaochan, and Lesolett (just a bit, they don't know each other well) 

-is good friends with his Ex, Kaochan

-Tends to cry at the smallest things

-If you call him a woman/girl he'll fight you
