Prim and Pamper



4 years, 8 months ago



Name Prim and Pamper
Nicknames Pampers, Princess, Primmy
Age 6
Sexuality n/a
Race pegasus
Pronouns she/her
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Theme Song link

Prim and Pamper is a spoiled, young filly who WILL get whatever she wants, mostly by throwing the tantrum of the century.


  • rainy days
  • ferrets
  • large stuffed animals
  • receiving gifts


  • mice
  • carrots
  • small spaces
  • tomatoes


Prim is a confident foal who has ways of getting anything her heart desires. Embarassment is not in her vocabulary, and that fact alone allows her to throw the worst tantrums seen by mankind. She is ill-mannered and very easily angered. Celestia forbid you say no to her, she might tear the room apart unless you change your mind. She's basically never been disciplined before, and trying to punish her now will just result in something worse happening.


Prim and Pamper was her parents' first child. They were inexperienced new parents, and would give her anything she wanted while also never saying no to her. This, of course, backfired horribly. By the time they tried to start disciplining her, it was far too late. Prim basically had full reign over the house, and anypony willing to challenge her inside or outside her home was met with eardrum-shattering screams. Prim will not hesitate to throw a fit wherever she is: airplane, grocery store, library. She's even passed this behavior on to to her dog, a chihuahua named Kingston. The only tricks he knows are 'sit', 'lay down', and 'speak'. He actually learned with his little doggy brain to use these tricks to get things like treats or toys, even when not commanded to. So now Prim's parents have at least two tyrants running their house.

Everyday Life

When she's not causing utter chaos with her tantrums, she loves drawing and colouring in her book. She's actually a very sweet little filly, but her personality is like a light switch: either an utter brat or a good little girl, no inbetween. She has piles of toys and colouring books, and loves playing dress up with the gigantic dollhouse that her parents bought for her. Prim also has a small obsession with ferrets. She loves their little worm bodies and would love to have one as a pet one day. It's the ONLY thing she's asked for where her parents have said no and stuck to their guns about it, no matter how horrible her tantrums get.



??? [ little sister ]


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