Sherise M (Q)



4 years, 7 months ago



Sherise Muirne


Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Widowed
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Professional Artist
    • Religion Incendit/Incenditem
    • HANDEDNESS Right Handed
    • Age Forty Two
    • Species Drakon


    Sherise has wavy brown hair, which trails halfway down her back. It is dark, almost black in colour, but in the rays of the sun, it appears lighter. Her fringe is grown out and her eyes are hazel with a grey ring lining the outer edges of her irises. She is often seen wearing lighter colours than her daughter. There is one dress in particular, which she often as one. It's a pale blue, long enough to touch the ground. The sleeves transition from blue to white at the shoulders. It is also made from a different material, light and loose. The two fabrics are separated by a gold band with engravings carved into its surface. To go with her dress, she has on a pair of heels, gold and white in colour. On the fourth finger of her left hand, she has on a gold ring to indicate she had been married.


    • BUILD Well built
    • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/DISABILITIES Has an old injury on her leg that did not heal properly

    • FOOD Rice
    • COLOUR Blazing red
    • ANIMAL Firehorse
    • SETTING Small, quiet towns
    • WEATHER Sunny and warm
    • DRINK Honey Mead
    • NUMBER Seventy
    • GENRE Mystery and romance
    • ACTIVITY Party Planning
    • TIME OF DAY Early morning


    • Knowing where her daughter is & what she is up to
    • Romantic Situations
    • Surprises


    • Not being listened to
    • Good surprises being ruined
    • Making mistakes in her paintings


    • Fencing
    • Motivational speeches
    • Painting
    • Party planning

    Sherise likes to give motivational speeches when it comes to reaching goals and achieving dreams. She always wanted to be a well-known painter and worked towards that until her wish came true. Now, she paints portraits and landscapes among other things. While the pictures she does are mostly for the royals, she does other paintings in her free time and sells them for a high price. She is also a bit of a party planner, often offering to help others with their festivals and parties. Aside from this, she is outgoing and enjoys the company of others. She does, however, tend to worry a lot. She is constantly thinking about what could go wrong. While it is good to avoid any bad situation, this can stress her out a bit. It is a part of her nature though, and she cannot help it, especially when it comes to her daughter. While she raised Karizma to be able to handle herself and trained her to be a strong warrior, she knows what the future holds for her daughter and fears that day, as much as she does not want to admit it. She is overprotective of her only child and does not want to lose her like she lost her husband.


    • Sword Fighting
    • Outgoing
    • Motivational


    • Worries too much
    • Stresses easily
    • Overprotective


    Sherise always wanted to be a well-known painter and she worked towards that dream until it came true. She now paints portraits and landscapes among other things. While the pictures she does are mostly for the royals, she does other paintings in her free time and sells them for a high price. She is also a bit of a party planner, often offering to help others with their festivals or parties. Aside from this, her one true aspiration is to protect her daughter and be the best mother she can be.


    • Losing her daughter
    • Another war happening


    • Gives speeches at random times
    • Sticks to the same routines


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Motivational but cautious
    • COMMON STARTER “Hello, how do you do?”
    • SWEARS? N/A
    • QUIRKS When speaking to others, she clasps her hands together
  • Species

    [ Drakon ] The Drakōn are separates into two subspecies, the Dragoon and the Dragon Rider. They are complete opposites in some ways, yet also share a few things in common. The history of the Drakōn goes way back in history. They were born around the time of the dragons and were made to be their allies. Being a Drakōn is not always hereditary, but most do come from a long line of Drakōn. It is said to become one you must have the blood of a dragon in your veins. Out in the world, they would be drawn to a particular dragon that they are then spiritually linked to and can call them to their side no matter the distance. They also live as long as their dragon and feel their emotions and more. If their dragon dies, so do the Drakōn and vice versa.


    [ Dragon Warrior ] The Dragon Rider is one out of two subspecies of Drakōn. Unlike the Dragoon, this one is less dragon and more human in nature and looks. The Dragon Rider like the other subspecies, have a dragon, one which they are connected too no matter the distance between them. The different is, this one, while they may be able to feel their emotions and pain, but they are unable to hear their thoughts or speak their language. They do, however, know them inside and out, and will protect them unconditionally, just like they will do the same for them. The Dragon Rider is actually born powerless, yet when they eventually meet their dragon and form that unbreakable connection to them, they then gain the dragon like ability they have, which only gets more powerful when the two are together.


    Sherise comes from a long line of Dragon Riders, but it skips every second generation. This left her pretty much human, while her daughter inherited the Dragon Rider abilities. Her father, who was much like her daughter, taught her how to wield a weapon and be strong, as strong as she could. He shared his knowledge with her and gave her everything she needed to know in order to train her daughter how to use her abilities effectively.

  • History

    Sherise used to live in Cendia City, but after her husband died during the Great Dragon War, she left, moving to Nausicaa City to escape the constant reminder of what she lost. It was a place protected from the dragon's wrath, ideal for an expecting mother. Not long after, at midnight on the last day of the year, the very moment the war ended, Karizma was born. Sherise comes from a long line of Dragon Riders, but since it skips every generation, she was left human while her daughter got the Dragon Rider abilities. She knows what the future holds for her child and fears that day as much as she does not want to admit it. She raised her daughter to be able to handle herself and trained her to be a strong warrior, knowing full well what she would be capable of and what the world would have in store for her. All of her knowledge and fighting skills came from her father, the one who personally trained her to take care of herself.


    Sherise lives in the Kingdom of Flames, Elinsire. She was born in Cendia City. This is a place of history, where the great dragon war began, ending at exactly midnight on the New Year. This began a celebration to remember, where they thank those who gifted Kaynika the friendship of dragons, a friendship that shall never end. The streets are lively at all hours, no matter night or day. Parties are always ongoing and they have no shortage of festivities. Unlike the castles in Alezae and Clerika, Cendia does not have one outside the city. Instead, Safara Castle rests within the walls, at the back, embedded in the mountains. It was here, she lived for most of her life. She resided with her parents right up until she was seventeen. This was around the time when she met someone, who she later married. Right before Karizma was born, the war hit and he died a tragic death.

    Current Residence

    After her husband died during the Great Dragon War, Sherise moved to Nausicaa City. This place is known for its strange happenings. It is a city where magic is at its peak. Witches often live here due to the history behind this place. Right up until Karizma turned twenty, Sherise and her daughter lived together in a small house perfect for the two.

  • Ancestry

    • Comes from long line of dragon riders
    • Father was a dragon rider
    • Mother was human


    • Was a party animal in her younger days
    • Most of her past life & mistakes
    • During the war, there was a time she lost faith in her guardian for a moment


    • She did not inherit the dragon rider gene since it skips every second generation
    • Her father taught her all he knows
    • Her daughter was chosen by Kella to be her successor