Hemo Logicus



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Hemo Logicus

Species: robot (magickal)

Eyes: differs depending on their emotion. See list below. 

  • Neutral: purple
  • Angry/hatred/in battle or an argument: red
  • Sad: blue
  • Disgusted/annoyed: green
  • Compassion/love: white
  • Happiness: yellow
  • Curiosity/processing information: pink
  • Devious/plotting/mischievous: black

Pronouns: they/them, though almost everyone refers to them as he/him

Sexuality: asexual...they're a robot

Height: 222cm when docile; 248cm when hostile

Build: when he's not fighting, he's quite like a regular humanoid robot, kind of like this. But when he is fighting, or when he's intimidating a potential threat, he becomes bulkier and taller, with imposing protrusions coming from his shoulders, forhead, elbows, and knees - kind of like this

Voice: deep and monotone. Like David Sobolov's Shockwave

Skin: ...his metal plating is black

Hair: none...

Markings: none

Powers: technokinesis; electrokinesis; telekinesis; polyglotism; can regenerate himself into any piece of technology if he is destroyed. 

Attire: none, though sometimes he disguises as ordinary folk, or dons a black hooded cloak. 

Optional jewellery: none

Other appearance: N/A

Personality: snarky; logical but witty. Ruthless, but cares for his friends. Doesn't know how to express his care other than destroying that which harms those he cares for. Incredibly sacrificial...with good cause, since he can regenerate himself. 

Religion: none, "insufficient data".