


4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Rabit || 20 || He/Him


Name: Rabit

Age: (looks)20

Height: 5.3ft

Species: Human

Rank: Stray

Symbolism: Green, Purple, the Moon, Snowshoe Hare, Hunting Knife

Description: Rabit has a curvy, muscular body with toned arms and wider hips. He has two visible scars. One is on his right upper arm and another on his left shoulder. His pale skin, white hair, and pale eyes express symptoms of albinism. (His eyes appear light pinkish-blue but expressed as bright green while in the afterlife.) Exposure in a spiritual realm has also given him warped features including pointed ears and nails, slit pupils, and large canine teeth. 

Personality: Snarky and sarcastic. He has a generally laid-back personality. It is difficult to offend him personally however he is very protective of the people he cares about. 

Interests/Hobbies: Rabit enjoys parkour, casual walks, naps, pickpocketing, magic tricks, and cloudy weather.

Ethnicity: German/Japanese

Language(s): German, English - He is fluent in German while his English is rather spotty. Reading and writing in English is easy enough but it is difficult and frustrating for him to speak it. He enjoys using an abundance of slang and shorthand, adding on to the already difficult translation.

Playlist: Knives Included

              Sing to the Sun