bonnie ramirez



7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info






cis female, she/her

romantic/sexual orientation


race/ethnicity, nationality

latina, mexican


panda hero; member of the dove gang


call me your darling

||| physical appearance |||

5'10", muscular with a bit of stomach and thigh chub. tan skin, gray eyes, short hair dyed brown-blue ombre. always has an eclectic mix of clothing of all types, colors, and patterns on.

||| personality |||

bonnie is the definition of happy-go-lucky. she is extremely friendly and will attempt to strike up conversation with whoever she can. she doesn't have the most advanced social skills, but many people like her optimism and determinate attitude. she is also not the most empathetic person, and often finds it hard to relate to others' struggles. despite her unconcerned attitude, she is not stupid, and realizes the gravity of situations when necessary. she also does whatever she needs to survive, and to keep her brother aaron alive.

||| background |||

bonnie grew up in a somewhat broken home, her parents splitting romantically but being forced to stay together to provide the funds to care for their sickly son. bonnie saw the need for extra finances very early on and found herself doing small jobs for her neighbors as early as age 8. as she grew older, she realized she could branch out into other areas of work, and eventually began working at a local farmer's market. this turned into running a stand for an elderly farmer who lived in the rural parts of region 13. her parents were impressed with her responsible nature and encouraged her to continue working, so she did. she was eventually approached by a panda hero, nadine, and asked if she wanted to join her gang. bonnie obliged, with the prospect of larger paychecks, and nadine delivered. bonnie is still working with nadine and her now-larger gang.

||| extras/notes |||

bonnie is on the autism spectrum. it does not impact her work or life beyond some difficulties in communication skills, but she is very social and tries her hardest.
bonnie's brother, aaron, is likely dying from some sort of cancer; no official diagnosis has ever been given to him. bonnie remains positive even though she realizes she could come home any day and he would be dead, and it helps aaron immensely.

||| relationships |||

nadine norris - the leader of the gang bonnie is in.
lynne- bonnie's girlfriend.
left - bonnie's fellow gang member and bestie!!!
aaron ramirez - bonnie's brother.