Katsu "Kat Sparks" Saotome



4 years, 7 months ago


General Info

Name: Katsu Saotome [sub], Kat Sparks [dub]
Age: 15-17
Gender: Bigender [They/Them, He/Him, She/Her]
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Birthday: December 18 [Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp; Cusp of Prophecy]  
Occupation: Domino High Student, Mix Martial Arts Student
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Japanese 


Hair: Black; wears several kinds of hairstyles and hair accessories often not in connection to gender expression
Eyes: Red
Skin: Light peach, neutral undertones
Height: 5'8"
Build: Athletic, muscle from their martial arts training
Misc: Sporty/Punkish in style, has no problem wearing feminine or masculine clothing 


Enthusiastic | Cheerful | Active | Rude | Impulsive
Type: ESFP-A [Entertainer]
Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic 

Short Blurb

Part of the close knit group of Yuugi, Jounouchi, Anzu and Honda, Katsu joins along for the ride as their lives take a turn for the strange. They're childhood friends with Jou, reuniting during the events of Duelist Kingdom after a brief stint of separation. Kat is a skilled duelist in their own right, a multi-regional champion and known for their horror/halloween themed deck.


Family: Unnamed Mother and Step-Father

  • Shizuka Kawai/Serenity Wheeler 
  • Hiroto Honda/Tristan Taylor 
  • Ryuji Otogi/Duke Devlin
  • Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner 
  • Yuugi Motou 
  • Ryou Bakura 
  • Mai Kujaku/Mai Valentine


  • Jounouchi Katsuya (ev.)


- While Kat prefers they/them as their pronouns, they aren't opposed to he/him and she/her. They feel both genders at the same time instead of different points, but they do teeter between being more masculine and more feminine at different points in time. 

- Inline skates are their favorite kind of transportation. If you're a rare hunter, chances are you'll be seeing how well Kat can put them to use. 

- Their love for martial arts and their Japanese surname (Saotome) is a nod to the character Ranma Saotome from the anime Ranma 1/2. They share the dub voice actress Sarah Stange as well. Kat's sub voice actress is the late Shiho Niiyamafor her role as Seiya Kou/Sailor Star Fighter from the anime Sailor Moon

Likes: Duel Monsters, Martial Arts, Inline Skates, Horror Movies, Spicy Food, American Punk/Grunge 

Dislikes: Anything Too Sweet