


4 years, 7 months ago


Physical Appearance/Artist notes: Pale skin, puny-looking

Full Name: Connie

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Magical being

Age: Centuries

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Says curse words a lot, doesn’t typically commit unnecessary acts of violence but isn’t opposed to the idea ;))) Overly expressive, extrovert, super direct, chill, doesn’t think things through but works things out in the moment, acts on a whim, not very empathetic, clueless yet fascinated with modern technology

Backstory: He was born from residue magic along with his sister centuries ago. They used to be revered as gods, with him as the God of Death, but as time went on, he started to live more like a regular human. Half a century ago, he got into a typical sibling fight with his sister that ended up destroying an entire town because of their magical power. This led to people catching him and sealing him away. In his isolation, he never learned what happened to his sister, but he assumed she was sealed away as well. In the modern day, he was released from his seal and summoned by Portia in her search for her missing brother. He had no way to help but told her about his sister, who was much more adept at magic than him. However, he mostly just wanted to visit his sister who he hadn’t seen in such a long time. Together, they embarked on an adventure to search for her. When they do eventually find her at the mansion, he becomes furious at his sister for not trying to help him and Portia has to calm them down to prevent another disaster.

Extra Info: Not at all muscular but has a lot of physical power through magic, naturally magical so able to do spells without setup or additional magical objects, can fly a little bit (mostly just to hover around), low endurance 

Likes: Humans and all their quirks

Dislikes: Isolation
