Anu's Comments

hello! Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you accept some art for these designs? they are really cool and fit perfectly into an Egypt themed story I'm creating with a friend! no problem if not, thanks for your time! ^^

that'd be great! how much art were you thinking? i'm fine w just abt anything lol

omg could i start by offering three detailed half bodies? I am always willing to offer more if you want! <]

sounds great!! i'm going out of state so ill be inactive for a while so sorry for that, but for now if you could do one of ves ( that'd be amazing! as for the other two ill keep you posted lol

Hello! I’m wondering if you’re still interested?

hello! sorry for the late reply, but yes! I'm still interested, I had some problems with my cell phone, so I couldn't make much progress, but I'm still making progress with art! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

hello! I'm still interested, I had a setback but I'm working on art! ∩(´∀`∩)