


4 years, 10 months ago



A multi-orphaced tar creature hidden under a grand antlered mask with bright red and blue ribbons coming out from underneath.

Mulitiple eyes to calculate his surroundings and properly predict things to come.

Multiple mouths to whisper cryptic secrets and things intended to come to pass.

Embbar does peek out from under his ribbons from time to time. He talks different depending on how much of his form is visible. When mostly under his ribbons he speaks as one being befitting of his mask. When he shows more of his nature, his body of tar and many outlooks, his voice multiplys. Speaking in many whispered tones each talks of different things. While hard to interpret the cryptic manner of speaking if you happen to catch something and understand it you'll never tell. Not by choice but you will physically be unable to pass on any message about it to anyone. The world can only be changed if YOU change it with your own hands.

When Embbar speaks in one he is sly and playful. Always making his guest question their quest in seeking him. He's never serious enough to get any solid info from. Embbar never trys to change a furure with great consequence. If the world was dying then oh well. Even if it is completely preventable no matter the future he sees his indesturctability will let him continue on.