
4 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth N/A
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Pirate/Gunner
    • Religion Incendit/Incenditem
    • HANDEDNESS Right Handed
    • Age One Thousand and Thirty
    • Species Hellhound


    Myrna has short hair, where the right side is longer, the fringe often hanging over her eye. On the left, her gringer strands are trimmed neatly around her ear and out of her face. Her eyes are usually orange, but they glow a deep, menacing red occasionally, mostly when she is angry. She has two sharp canines and the ability to shapeshift into a Hellhound, a large dog-like beast with matted black fur, coated in some sort of oil that makes it highly flammable. When aggravated or in battle, she can heat up her body enough to ignite it in fire, which is usually the standard orange flame. A ghostly silhouette of herself follows her every movement, no matter what form she is in. She is often seen wearing a tight fitting outfit, purely black in colour with the bottom jagged and torn. Armour acts as the sleeves, starting from her shoulders and stopping at her wrists. Her long armour-like boots cover her knees. Rather than trousers, she wears maroon coloured shorts which fit her tightly. Around her waist, she has a red ribbon, two brown belts around her waist in a cross. These belts have silver studs in them and hold her spadroon sword and flintlock pistol. A strap goes from her left hip over the right shoulder, which holds her broadsword. While she much prefers to fight with a blade, she has her flintlock pistol just for backup. Hanging from her left earlobe, is a gold ring and around her forehead, she has a black bandana, the logo of their ship in red. It is of two dragon silhouettes forming a heart, their tails entwining and foreheads touching. When her hair annoys her, she adjusts it to keep her fringe out of her eye. On her right shoulder blade, she also has tattoos, runes. One is a P, only backwards, another is what appears to be a 7, and the third is seemingly a capitalised b. These symbols mean something to her, yet no one else knows what it means.


    • BUILD Slender but fit
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Smokes

    • FOOD Ham
    • COLOUR Deep reds and oranges
    • ANIMAL Turtle
    • SETTING The desert
    • WEATHER Hot, humid days
    • DRINK Almond milk
    • NUMBER Seventy Six
    • GENRE Action
    • ACTIVITY Hunting
    • TIME OF DAY Afternoon


    • The heat
    • Freedom
    • Her own strength


    • Being forced to do something
    • Enclosed spaces
    • The cold


    • Hunting
    • Travelling
    • Training/sparring

    Myrna is a ruthless killer. Her hellhound has turned her into a bounty hunter, one no one can match. She has never failed to kill any beast she set her eyes onto, and only cares about the money involved. Whether her target had any form of emotion, she does not, therefore never seems to care about the lives she ends. Her job as a hunter was easier due to her analytical nature. She likes to study her opponent, to assess the situation and their behaviour patterns. She is also very decisive, picking her moment to strike and always following through till the end. Despite the harsh personality she tends to have, it is another story when it comes to her crew. When they are down and defeated, she always remains strong, able to offer them oddly inspiring words. She is very convincing with everything she speaks and due to her ability to uplift the spirits around her, she is somewhat valued. Aside from this, she is also rather judgemental towards others, mostly strangers.


    • Hunting
    • Analytical/Calculating
    • Inspiring when she wants to be


    • The cold
    • Judgemental
    • Emotionless/Ruthless


    Myrna’s hellhound side has one goal, to live and be free from its family who seek them. As for the once Shaman girl, she spent her time travelling and seeking out creatures, killing them in return for money. She does not have many other aspirations, just a desire to hunt. Due to this, she joined Cynthia’s crew, for they had a beast to take down. After spending time with them, however, she grew to like them, so once their pest was taken care of, she is thinking about remaining with them.


    • Freezing to death
    • Being trapped


    • Attacks first, asks questions later
    • Rarely listens to others, even her crew


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Forthright
    • COMMON STARTER "I'm busy right now, so make it quick."
    • SWEARS? Frequently
    • QUIRKS Looks people directly in the eyes when speaking to them
  • Species

    [ Hellhound ] A Hellhound is a large canine-like creature, known as the demon's pet and bringer of death. They commonly have matted black fur, coated in some sort of oil that makes it highly flammable. When aggravated or in battle, they heat up their body, enough to ignite it in fire, which can range between blue and orange. They have a bite that causes unimaginable pain, that burns unlike anything else. Their eyes are a glowing red, and a ghostly silhouette follows their movement. They are quick on their feet and very strong, and have very few weaknesses. Physical attacks have no effect on them at all, but magical and spiritual attacks can. Most have a physical body, while others roam the spiritual realm in search of an escape. It is rumoured that Hellhounds guard graveyards and similar places. To any who disrespect a burial ground, will surely die. Aside from this, they are mostly known for protecting treasure of great power and keeping life and death balanced. Hearing this creature's howl is an omen of death and seeing one supposedly seals your fate. Those in the spiritual realm hunt lost souls, while those in the physical plane, catch and deliver souls to their masters, or take them for themselves.


    Myrna was once a Shaman, which allowed her to interact with the spiritual realm, but an event that ended her life also allowed the soul of a Hellhound to take control. It changed her, made her stronger and faster, with the ability to change into a large canine-like creature, able to heat up its body and ignite its oily black fur. The fire it generates is a menacing red orange. Her bite is one of pure agony, lasting for what seems like forever. Once its fangs penetrate the skin of someone, the pain burns itself into the victim's skin, leaving a scar that remains hot to the touch. Physical attacks do not work on her, but magical and spiritual attacks do. As nourishment, she takes souls from her victims and eats them. She holds answers to what secrets a treasure may have, yet if she knows it will cause harm to the balance of life and death, it is her duty to protect it, and will do so by any means necessary.

  • History

    Myrna was born in Elinsire, living in Nausicaa City with her father and older brother. She never got to know her mother, who died moments after giving birth to her. People thought she was the cause, rumoured to be a devil child due to the unusual circumstances of her mother's death. It was the only explanation they could come up with. Despite the rumours and initial shock of losing his wife, her father loved his daughter just like he loved his rebel son. Ever since she was old enough to speak, Myrna continued to prove to the people that she was no ordinary child. She spoke of a doggie that watched over her, protected her. As a Shaman, it was obvious she saw something no one else did. It opened her up to the world of spirits and when The Dragon War struck their home, her father and brother died. She too, would have, if the dog did not save her from the falling rubble. It merged with her being, mixed with her soul, tainting her and changing her into a creature, something only rumoured to have existed. It was the Hellhound that helped her escape from the crumbling building. It took control of her and she lost several years to it as it continued to move from place to place. In its own dimension, it had six siblings, but seeking an escape, it fled into the Kaynika Realm, taking refuge in Myrna’s body. If it were to stay in one place, its brothers and sisters would catch up. It does not want that, so it continues to run. Eventually, however, Cynthia tracked her down instead, offering her a job she could not refuse. In her time of travelling, there was a pattern, she never failed to do one task, catch and kill for money, so using that knowledge, Cynthia persuaded her to join her team. That is where she presently finds herself, among the pirate crew on the Kaynika ocean.


    Myrna was born in Elinsire, living in Nausicaa City. This place is known for being a magic hotspot. Strange happenings are not so strange here, and while the population may be minimal, witches/warlocks often make this place their homes here, as their magic is heightened. History has been made in this city, yet only the magic users know of its mysterious past. She resided here with her father and older brother, having never known her mother, since she died moments after her birth.

    Current Residence

    After a near death experience and a Hellhound inhabiting her body, Myrna chose a life on the run, just to escape the Hellhounds siblings. Eventually, she was offered a job she could not refuse, which is why she currently resides on the DragonHeart ship. Her mission is to hunt down the sea monster that brought the pirates to their knees.

  • Ancestry

    • Myrna comes from a long line of Shaman
    • Her ancestors were well known for warding off evil spirits and helping people communicate with their lost loved ones
    • Her mother was into dark magic and stories about the devil


    • As a former Shaman, still with a link to the spiritual realm, she has seen many things, including the loved ones of some of her crew, but has not told them about it, as she does not want to get caught up in the drama
    • There is a bounty on Hannah’s head from her time as the Wendigo on Carcerem Island, and Myrna secretly wants to take her down just to collect the reward


    • The DragonHeart ship her and her crew have, is named after Dyanne DragonHeart, a famous warrior
    • She has an arm band on her left arm because it is closer to her heart
    • After Myrna’s near death experience, a Hellhound chose to inhabit her body. Its soul mixed with her own, corrupting it and turning it to darkness. This is why her Shaman side is almost non-existent now