


4 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • Worth $15
    • Designer Me (ShadaStorm120)
    • World Kaynika (The Realm of Dragons)

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Pirate/Carpenter
    • Religion Incendit/Incenditem
    • HANDEDNESS Ambidextrous
    • Age Three Hundred and Forty Five
    • Species Wendigo


    Hannah is very pale in contrast to her striking red hair, which is completely straight and flows down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are normally a light grey, but they can glow a ghostly white whenever she activates her Wendigo side. As the creature, she mostly stands on two legs, yet can run on four. She has long fangs and a head that resembles a deer skull. Her skin stretches tightly across her body revealing her ribcage. Her black and red fur is matted and stag horns protrude from her skull. The stench of death and corruption follows her in this form, no matter where she goes. She wears a tight fitting top, where the torso is black with corset style lacing. The rest is a deep red, with quarter length sleeves that end in extravagant, handkerchief cuffs. Her trousers are black, tucked into her matching red boots that go to her knees. The straps are black and across her hips, she has a cross styled belt with a red buckle. Attached to it, she has two flintlock pistols and a couple grenades. On her back, she has two scabbards for her swords, yet despite her heavy weaponry, she is her own greatest weapon. Tied around her left arm, she has a pink ribbon with the ship's logo on the front in gold. It is of two dragon silhouettes forming a heart, their tails entwining and foreheads touching.


    • BUILD Fit, athletic build
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Drinks

    • FOOD Other people
    • COLOUR Blood red
    • ANIMAL Wolf
    • SETTING High in the mountains
    • WEATHER Hot and sunny
    • DRINK Water and sometimes blood
    • NUMBER Six Hundred and Sixty Six
    • GENRE Murder stories
    • ACTIVITY Tearing her victims apart
    • TIME OF DAY The afternoon


    • Her privacy
    • Being in control
    • Loyal/Faithful people


    • When the Wendigo takes over
    • Extremely hot temperatures
    • Backstabbers


    • Hunting/Fishing
    • Travelling
    • Whittling

    Hannah, much like her crew mate, Myrna, is a ruthless killer. Whenever she smells blood, she is sent into a hunt for flesh. This can be worrying, since it does not matter whether you are on her side or not. She will not stop until the smell of blood is gone or someone puts an end to her frenzy by force. The wendigo in her comes out unwillingly, something only few characters control. She is also very private and withdrawn. No one knows what really goes on in her head, not like anyone wants to know. As the beast, she shows little regard for the lives of others, but even in her humanoid form, she cares little for the feelings of others. She is also very arrogant and may appear sweet in the tone of her words, but underneath lies another story. She tends to come across as untrustworthy and unreliable, however, that is only to those she finds untrustworthy herself. In reality, she will protect the people who she trusts until the very end. She never goes back on her word unless that trust is broken. It is like a mutual agreement gone unspoken.


    • Faithful to her allies
    • Heightened senses
    • Powerful


    • Arrogant
    • Withdrawn
    • Cannot control her bloodthirst


    Hannah was a woman who had everything she wanted. She had a good job, great friends and was content despite her relationship with her family. She even had plans to go on a fishing trip with her mates, but that took a turn for the worst as a storm caused them to wash up on an island. Only she survived what the island threw their way. It was then that she decided she needed to escape the island. She wanted nothing more than to eat. It was all she thought about, consuming her mind. When she was discovered by pirates, they managed to subdue that side of her, bringing her back from the brink. From then on, she was forced to travel with them, never wanting to go back to that state. Her one goal now, is to keep the beast at bay, to somehow rid herself of it.


    • Her wendigo side
    • Killing those she cares about


    • Disappears for long periods of time without telling anyone
    • Puts on a sweet act in front of others


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Reserved, cold
    • COMMON STARTER "I don't like to waste time, speak."
    • SWEARS? Frequently
    • QUIRKS Crosses her arms and looks down on those she talks to
  • Species

    [ Wendigo ] Wendigo are born from unusual and rare circumstances. When the temperature is cool, and a person becomes so hungry that they resort to cannibalism, a spirit latches onto them. When they eventually die, then or later in life, this spirit enters their body, only for the person to be revived. It is then, that they become this creature, with an endless hunger for human flesh. They gain heightened senses and endurance, able to handle the harshest climate. The moment they smell blood, the beast within comes out and they transform into it. As the Wendigo, they have glowing eyes and long fangs, skin tightly stretched across their bones, making them visible. They are animalistic, walk on two legs, but run on four. They often have matted fur and stag horns, followed by the stench of death and corruption. They are incredibly fast and strong. They are large creatures and terrifying in tales and in person. As this creature, they hunt uncontrollably for their next meal, their hunger never endings. They prefer their meals alive and stalk their prey, mimicking human voices to lure people away from safety. Once isolated, they attack.


    Hannah may look human, but she is far from it. She is able to handle the harshest climate. While she may prefer the cold, extreme heat does not affect her much. She is able to endure things no normal person can and has heightened senses, able to pick up on the slightest movement from a mile away. Her sense of smell is intense. The slightest hint of blood and she turns into a crazed flesh eating monster, the Wendigo. As this beast, she is an even better hunter, luring her victims to their deaths by mimicking human voices. She is quick on her feet with inhuman reflexes. Her power only grows as she ages. As the cannibalistic creature, she is even stronger than in human form. When she is not a Wendigo, she is still a good fighter, able to use a blade with much skill.

  • History

    Hannah was originally from Elinsire, having lived on Ardescit Island most of her life. She resided in Mortem town with her parents and three siblings, all girls, but at the age of twenty two she moved out. Over time, their bond as a family grew weak, distant. They talked less and less, each getting lost in their own individual lives. Even she moved on, making friends and settling into a relatively normal life. A few of her mates resided in Shalitien before moving to Elinsire, and they told her fishing stories and how they always loved being out there on the ocean. Hearing their tales, she decided she wanted to do the same, so one day her friends arranged a special outing with just the three of them. Together, they set sail, but their nice fishing trip took a turn for the worst, as something ruptured the balance of the world. This was just the beginning of The Great Dragon War. It was also the start of a series of events which caused the temperature of Elinsire to drop drastically and stirred up violent storms across the land. Their ship was caught in the middle of the storm and sunk as a result. Washing up on Carcerem Island, not far from where their boat went down, they were forced to search for food and warmth. The island itself was mountainous with a single forest, yet not many animals lived there. Instead of hunting, they decided to travel to higher ground, but it was during that trip that the cold killed one of their friends. Hannah resorted to cannibalism, while the others were horrified at the thought. In the end, she made it to the top of the highest peak, but was alone as the last one standing. It was there that she found a cave. She was exhausted so decided to sleep, however, the night only got colder. She died then and there, only to awaken as something else, a beast of legend, the Wendigo. Time went on and word spread of such a creature. People came in search of it, only to meet their doom. She hunted down all who came to her island, craving human flesh and longing to be freed from her isolated island. Eventually, many years on, Cynthia and her crew took up the challenge the Wendigo offered, arriving on the island in search of a new and powerful member to their team. Combining the power of Arcelia and Fidora, they managed to control the beast and bring Hannah back. She had no other choice but to join them, otherwise the Wendigo would come loose once more. She now remains as a pirate on their ship, but reverts back to her Wendigo form as soon as blood is drawn.


    Hannah was originally from Elinsire, having lived on Ardescit Island most of her life. She resided in Mortem town, a place that had a bad reputation right from the beginning. Muggings and murders were thought to be a common occurrence, so its population was never that high. During the Great Dragon War, a plague ravaged this place, also hitting another town and a city, which were all connected to the same water source, Flammel River. These places became uninhabitable, and those who survived were forced to leave their home. Nowadays, people refuse to step foot inside either of these three places, believing an evil still looms over them. The buildings are worn, with trees and vines overtaking everything, but even animals refuse to enter. It was here that she lived with her parents and three siblings all girls, but at the age of twenty two, she moved out.

    Current Residence

    Later, she found herself on Carcerem Island, stranded with her mates. It wasn’t long before she was the only one left standing. For years, she remained there, watching and waiting, but eventually, Cynthia and her crew took up the challenge the Wendigo offered, arriving on the island in search of a new and powerful member to their team. Once controlling the beast and bringing back Hannah, she joined their crew and chose to be a pirate in order to remain sane.

  • Ancestry

    • Hannah comes from a long line of Sirelings
    • Her ancestors were successful business people
    • Her father ran one of the mines in Elinsire, her mother being a sales woman


    • She ate her own friends in a desperate attempt to survive when stranded on Carcerem Island
    • She does not want anyone knowing how much she really fears herself


    • The DragonHeart ship her and her crew have, is named after Dyanne DragonHeart, a famous warrior
    • She has an arm band on her left arm because it is closer to her heart
    • After Hannah froze to death on Carcerem Island and became the Wendigo, her Sireling side died completely