Laika's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

boba-deer Global Rules

Please abide by my Terms of Service

If you're reselling, it would be really cool if you messaged me (boba-deer) first! I may buy them back! But this isn't required <3

Please do not resell to these users however without messaging me first and asking my permission:

[Cheese1010] and all alt/future accounts

[buttersyeet] and all future/alt accounts

[BioHunterRon] and all alt/future accounts

[Taby-CrazyKat] and all alt/future accounts

[Fairy_Candy] and all alt/future accounts

This does not apply to any designs currently in their possession, but does apply if they choose to re-sell or otherwise re-home them. If you're caught rehoming my designs to them without my permission, you will be added to the blacklist.