Harumi Ueda



4 years, 6 months ago



Orchid ● Lily ● Hyacinth

The Springtime Princess

19816381_KQUkQ6Sn11mDW41.png Art by Skeletonny

"The battlefield offers no mercy, nor does my blade. Stand here, warrior, and show me your resolve. Live to see another day."


Basic Information

Name Ueda Harumi Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual Pronouns She/Her
Species Soul Height 166 cm
Occupation Captain Division Fifth
Name Ueda Harumi
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Pronouns She/Her
Species Soul
Height 166 cm
Occupation Captain
Division Fifth


  • She has a younger brother named Kazuki.
  • She was previously in the Fourth Division before being promoted.
  • Her birthday is June 25th.
  • Her Shikai is Netsugeki [熱撃]. Her Bankai is Tenshin Haka Kōryō Rakuen [天津神墓荒涼楽園].
  • She is far sighted.


As memories of dreams resurface to the front of her mind, she recalls the last rays of sunlight. Marigold threads entwine themselves with a cerulean backdrop, holding the sky steady as the sun disappears behind the endless horizon.

She was once compared to an orchid; difficult to open up, but when she did, it was well worth the effort. She is a sensitive soul who requires the utmost attention to maintain and upkeep. Yes, getting the young woman to bloom proves to be a difficult task, but certainly not impossible. Harumi is quiet, reserved, and at times may appear to be emotionally compromised; this is, of course, simply a front, a ruse she puts up in a subconscious effort to keep people at an arms length. She is a master of subtlety, she finds power in anonymity, and finds an existence where her name remains unknown one worth living. Some may find her to be cold and distant - traits that Harumi herself admits to bringing forth - but deep down, a kind and warm soul waits to be seen.

Though the art of making connections is lost upon her at times, Harumi is strongest when she has people she wants to protect. She exudes a strong maternal aura that further drives her strong desire to see the people in her life safe and happy. Fiercely loyal, she's willing to sacrifice herself if it means ensuring the safety of others. During such times, she shows no fear - only overwhelming passion, a need to be the pillar in her loved ones' lives. As she opens up, Harumi reveals to be a mellow, tender, endlessly patient soul with a notable ability to make people feel less alone. She is gentle and benevolent, a calm comfort much like the warmth of the sun on a winter morning.

Harumi wants what everyone wants: a life where she can say, without doubt, that she is happy, content. Her life is plagued with self loathing and existential doubt that often leaves her wondering who she is, and what her purpose in life should be. Perhaps this has contributed to her mindset, one which can be nihilistic and toxic, but equally hopeful and optimistic. There are questions she doesn't have answers to, but until she does, she basks in the sunlight, waiting for another dream to whisk her beyond the sunset.



  • Tea
  • Knitting
  • Gardening


  • Alcohol
  • Dishonesty
  • Crowds

Harumi is a woman of simple tastes and pleasures; muted and inconspicuous, she rarely indulges in the things she likes, let alone talk about them. Her hobbies and preferences reflect a humble and modest personality and way of living, but she is unbothered by this. Life has proven itself to be a hurricane, and Harumi finds solance in the mundane.

  • She likes sweet foods, and hates overwhelming flavors.
  • Large crowds make her nervous. She thrives best with one other person or by herself.
  • She has a column in the Seireitei Communication titled A Camellia Blossoms that gives gardening and lifestyle advice. It's quite popular.


All she's ever wanted was a normal life: one where she could wake up, perform her daily duties, and go to sleep without an issue. This was nothing more than a lofty dream, however. From the moment she was born, it was willfully decided she would struggle before she would ever succeed, she would fall before being given the chance to get up, she would mourn and cry and be faced with seemingly unbeatable adversaries. Yet still, she perservered.

Before Dawn

On the night before she was expected to go into labor, Ueda Hitomi fell ill. She was sweating and trembling, weak, and hardly had enough energy to lift her head up. Her doting husband, Yuudai, fearing for the lives of both his unborn daughter and ailing wife, went to the sacred shrine the Ueda clan took care of, and prayed. He prayed Hitomi would recover quickly and his daughter would be born happy and healthy. He prayed for the strength that would allow him to carry on the clan's ritual, and that his child would grow up to be strong. He prayed for a sign, most of all, something to guide him, for he was scared and lost and unsure of what more to do. The morning after, Yuudai was shocked that his prayers were seemingly received. Hitomi recovered quickly and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Harumi.

Even from a young age, Harumi was quiet and withdrawn, preferring to keep to herself rather than associate with a large group of people. She would read books and sit in the garden outside, staring at the flowers. She was polite and obidient, and hopes were high for the next head of the Ueda clan. This, however, did not last forever - at age six, Harumi suddenly became violently ill, and after days of fighting off the disease to no avail, she fell into a coma. During her days of unconsciousness, Hitomi scrambled to figure out what was wrong. She was scared, terrified, for up until recently her daughter was perfectly healthy. She mused and paced and stayed awake for days before doctors gave her the closest thing to an answer.

"Spiritual Hypersensitivity", they called it. Members of the Ueda clan boasted abnormally high reiatsu, especially considering their civilian status - likely due to their occupations of priests and priestesses - but doctors discovered the young girl had enough reiatsu to match or even surpass a Captain of the Gotei 13. This, of course, came with a price. Her ability to sense other people's spiritual pressures was not only innate and unable to be turned off, but also incredibly sensitive, so much so that sensing too much reiatsu was enough to make her pass out. "It needs to be controlled", Hitomi was told. "But how?" she gasped incredulously. The doctors advised Shin'o Academy. She could put her massive reiatsu to use, they told her. Hitomi instantly rejected the idea, refusing to let her only child enlist to become a solider. Deep down, however, she knew - if she didn't want her daughter to suffer her entire life due to this ability, she would have to find someone or somewhere that could help her get it under control. When she's old enough, Hitomi thought. She dreaded that day, whenever it would arrive.

Harumi awoke a few days later, confused and disoriented. There was a heavy weight on her chest, and her limbs felt like they had been turned to stone. She couldn't recall what had happened, but the moment she saw her mother's smiling face, she knew something was off. She could feel it - bursts and spikes of sadness and guilt. Harumi didn't understand, not until it was all explained to her. It was a lot, almost too much to process, and for a while, she didn't. She couldn't. As she matured, so did her sense. She was almost constantly light headed and nauseous, on the verge of collapsing. There was too much feedback, too much white noise - it was overwhelming. The addition of a younger brother when she was nine certainly didn't help. Her early years were spent fighting off the sickness and trying to find her footing in this scary, confusing world. In due time she would constantly think about what her mother told her all those years ago, and Harumi eventually found herself at a crossroads: Stay home, carry on her clan's duties and legacy, but never be able to rest, or apply to Shin'o Academy, gain a grasp of her sense, and possibly risk her life in the battlefield. At the time, it seemed that the obvious choice was to stay home, but after another wave of nausea crashed into her, she realized she didn't want to live like this - she no longer could. By age eleven, Harumi made her decision.

"Mother," she said. "I want to attend Shin'o Academy."

I Used to Live in a World

Life as a student at the academy proved to be relatively tame.

Nullam at varius nunc. Sed quis erat turpis. Etiam non blandit neque. Morbi in mattis ante. Sed fermentum lectus id nibh lacinia, ac malesuada mauris cursus. Sed pretium tempus consectetur. Donec luctus tortor quam, vel interdum elit pulvinar at. Duis in massa sagittis, varius dolor nec, eleifend eros.

Etiam aliquam, arcu venenatis malesuada sodales, leo mauris mollis nibh, a molestie orci justo lobortis mauris. Sed vel nunc risus. Ut eu ipsum nec lorem faucibus tempor. Donec justo lacus, lobortis sit amet orci et, elementum ornare ex. Proin ut mattis nulla. Curabitur aliquam mauris eu augue eleifend interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean tempor vel erat at sollicitudin. Vestibulum dignissim neque sed massa ultrices, et volutpat arcu malesuada.

Aenean eu orci malesuada, commodo dolor a, tristique odio. Donec lacinia bibendum vestibulum. Cras faucibus laoreet eros. In vestibulum purus quis lorem luctus, eu imperdiet dolor aliquet. Sed non mauris lectus. Aenean dignissim risus fermentum laoreet molestie. Duis venenatis fringilla tempor. Donec sed cursus ex. Praesent vel lacus ut nisl hendrerit porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris at risus justo. In bibendum sem eget erat volutpat, vel elementum est tincidunt. Donec mattis odio id libero pharetra accumsan et ac leo. Phasellus vel lectus varius, dapibus tortor quis, vulputate arcu. Vivamus bibendum sodales turpis a congue. Nam ac ipsum in eros commodo dapibus eu sit amet ex.

Nullam pretium eros commodo purus sagittis posuere. Sed interdum eget lacus fermentum placerat. Proin blandit metus ex. Donec vitae lobortis dui. Cras non justo sit amet velit vestibulum iaculis. Donec luctus nisl vitae est pulvinar, vel scelerisque ante facilisis. Maecenas luctus nisl augue, vitae tristique eros placerat vel.

Last Sunshine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec euismod purus. Nam lacus libero, lacinia et enim viverra, suscipit vehicula nisi. Etiam scelerisque arcu vel neque pharetra, vitae porttitor risus volutpat. Nam mollis viverra sem vel tempus. Vestibulum at magna et sem eleifend aliquam nec in diam. Vivamus dictum pretium eros, vitae semper sem facilisis quis. Curabitur fringilla urna sit amet accumsan rhoncus. Maecenas et risus quis ante iaculis laoreet at a libero. Nullam eu malesuada risus. Morbi gravida odio neque, at malesuada orci hendrerit in. Duis ultricies a ex vel viverra. Aliquam eu cursus odio.

Nullam at varius nunc. Sed quis erat turpis. Etiam non blandit neque. Morbi in mattis ante. Sed fermentum lectus id nibh lacinia, ac malesuada mauris cursus. Sed pretium tempus consectetur. Donec luctus tortor quam, vel interdum elit pulvinar at. Duis in massa sagittis, varius dolor nec, eleifend eros.

Etiam aliquam, arcu venenatis malesuada sodales, leo mauris mollis nibh, a molestie orci justo lobortis mauris. Sed vel nunc risus. Ut eu ipsum nec lorem faucibus tempor. Donec justo lacus, lobortis sit amet orci et, elementum ornare ex. Proin ut mattis nulla. Curabitur aliquam mauris eu augue eleifend interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean tempor vel erat at sollicitudin. Vestibulum dignissim neque sed massa ultrices, et volutpat arcu malesuada.

Aenean eu orci malesuada, commodo dolor a, tristique odio. Donec lacinia bibendum vestibulum. Cras faucibus laoreet eros. In vestibulum purus quis lorem luctus, eu imperdiet dolor aliquet. Sed non mauris lectus. Aenean dignissim risus fermentum laoreet molestie. Duis venenatis fringilla tempor. Donec sed cursus ex. Praesent vel lacus ut nisl hendrerit porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris at risus justo. In bibendum sem eget erat volutpat, vel elementum est tincidunt. Donec mattis odio id libero pharetra accumsan et ac leo. Phasellus vel lectus varius, dapibus tortor quis, vulputate arcu. Vivamus bibendum sodales turpis a congue. Nam ac ipsum in eros commodo dapibus eu sit amet ex.

Nullam pretium eros commodo purus sagittis posuere. Sed interdum eget lacus fermentum placerat. Proin blandit metus ex. Donec vitae lobortis dui. Cras non justo sit amet velit vestibulum iaculis. Donec luctus nisl vitae est pulvinar, vel scelerisque ante facilisis. Maecenas luctus nisl augue, vitae tristique eros placerat vel.

Shunsui Kyoraku - Daytime Shooting Star

515Shunsuis_new_appearance.pngTheir love was a slow one. Harumi, who believed love to be nothing but a burden and a curse, did not expect to fall for the captain - and yet each moment they spent together, each word they uttered to each other, each promise they made to the other, promised a future neither of them would come to expect. An eternity. Their love was a reluctant one: Harumi because she did not know such feelings could exist, and Shunsui because he did. Will you continue to love me? she asked. Until the stars no longer shine, he replied.


He noticed the lilies before anything else; how they somehow reflected the fragile evanescence of spring. Grey eyes sparkled with a glint of curiosity, and yet, she hardly regarded him - choosing to avoid the man whose rumors followed him like his shadow. She had heard too much about him, and thus refused to let her reputation be tarnished by the captain. Yet intrigue pulled him to her, first words exchanged by accident, and suddenly he had her name: Harumi.


Name - Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu urna vitae turpis condimentum elementum.

Warning: h*ck

This is a neat spot to put any spoilers, NSFW, or otherwise triggering content in!


Name - Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu urna vitae turpis condimentum elementum.

Warning: h*ck

This is a neat spot to put any spoilers, NSFW, or otherwise triggering content in!

Character Info

Designer [link]
Designer 2 [link]
Created [date]
Acquired [date]
Redesigned [date]


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