Subaru (Extended Profile)



4 years, 4 months ago



Name Subaru
Age 19
Build Small
Species Prevost's Squirrel
Gender Male
Oreint. Homosexual
HEIGHT/WEIGHT 161cm/49kg
Occupation Sex Worker
d.o.b. 29th Feb
star sign Pisces



"Down for me is up...isn't that funny?"


Press play



Oh dear, let me see those smokey eyes
You're a villainous thing and we can't have you living a lie
Oh dear, let's remove those pretty clothes
You're a villainous thing and I don't think anyone knows


  • Despite working in a bar, he really dislikes alcohol. 
  • He doesn't have any close friends, or really any friends at all. 
  • Subaru lives in an apartment in the city, with his succulents and cat (Tangerine).
  • Subaru really likes slow, soft music. He feels like he can relax whenever he listens to it, especially if the lyrics are melancholic. 
  • His favourite food is green tea flavoured ice cream. 

A reclusive, almost nocturnal person, Subaru will no doubt come off as unsettling to the regular Joe, especially with his lack of emotion. He is almost always quiet, only speaking if he really has something to say, and remaining basically blank and mute the rest of the time time.

He works in a bar, and is very popular among the larger and more carnivorous clientele, presumably for his innocent and fragile aesthetic.  

His fur has been described by many as plush and soft, and it helps to hide scars and bite marks that he receives. Despite the often violent nature of his work, he never once complains, however, he will always dread going to work. Being used and tossed aside can sometimes take its toll on a guy. 

Being a very reserved person, Subaru never really has had any true feelings of love towards anyone, however, all that changed when a thylacine named Keegan entered the scene. He was different to all the rest. He liked to talk. He didn't like to drink. He didn't treat Subaru like he was a piece of meat, and it was like a whole new world had opened. 

Keegan was nice at first. But then he began to get bored, began to lose interest. And found someone new. This new guy was named Pierre, and he was apparently a professional ice skater. Talk about pretentious. 

But soon Keegan seemed to lose interest in Pierre as well, and Subaru started to sympathise with him, and the two grew closer. And now Subaru really doesn't know how to feel. 


  • Plants
  • Nighttime 
  • Sleeping
  • Smoking

  • Work
  • Being treated roughly 
  • Loud noise
  • Alcohol 

Keegan | B-Boyfriend?

He's so nice and kind. He treats Subaru like a person, and he really seems to care about him...sometimes. But Subaru sometimes gets the sneaking suspicion that he's rather expendable in Keegan's eyes. 

Pierre | Rival

He seems to be Keegan's new precious thing, and Subaru doesn't know how to feel about this. Or more like...he can't put a name to what he's feeling. Is it jealously...? can't be...

Wip | Wip
