


4 years, 7 months ago


Mikita Bialievič

BY | 17 | he/him
Titular "ghost" of the attic. Not actually a ghost.
Used to be overly ambitious, a high achiever and his mother's pride and joy; currently a shadow of his past self, consumed by grief and the fear of the future. He doesn't like being around other people and spends most of his time locked up in the attic. Really awkward when interacting with his peers; disliking other kids and being disliked is so natural to him, he has a hard time having conversations that aren't hostile, so he's... generally an unpleasant person to be around. Lacks empathy towards other people, but still has a strong moral compass and sense of justice. He's not afraid to stand up for himself or others, although the latter isn't as altruistic as it sounds — he likes arguing, and is stupidly good at it. Generally great at talking, he's a quick thinker and has a lot of knowledge about... well, a lot of things, but lacks people skills; He's blunt, naturally hostile towards others and especially his peers, by choice. He wants to be left alone; he doesn't really feel the need for human connection, not in a way other people do — he considers his peers either worse than him (a distraction, obstacle) or better than him (a rival), his judgement being... a combination of many things he's obsessed with about himself, mainly academic knowledge/achievements and parental relationships. Its very messy; he needs to compare himself with others at all times, viewing them as different levels of danger they may cause to his goal. With adults its easier, as Mikita lives by a fairly clear social hierarchy in his head — people older than him are to be respected, and older women especially, are to be listened to. He's unable to make friends or genuinely care for people anymore. Doesn't feel alive.
He's unable to deal with both grief and the sudden control that he now has over his life; he's been raised to believe he's independent and always in control, never really realizing it's not really true. He still behaves the way he believes would make his late mother happy, and when he fails to do so, he breaks. He doesn't want to live in the reality he's in so instead he chooses to live in the past, which just makes it impossible to move on and just makes everything way worse.
Somewhat taken in by the Kowalewicz family. Visually impaired; his sight is blurry and uncorrectable with glasses, but he makes do using a magnifier.