Grenadier (Big fish)



4 years, 7 months ago


Age: 9 years (27)

Status: Wanted criminal, heretic


The Wakewing kingdom is the closest you’ll get to heaven, but even lucifer was born in paradise. This devil was named Grenadier. He born surrounded by the weak willed. These worms always rattled on about being blessed by mother nature. No… he, he was blessed. Grenadier was as beautifully colored as a Ravewing, as tough skinned as a Turfwing, but as powerful as no other. Well, as far as his knowledge extended anyway. He was by no means a giant in height, but he was girthy as a redwood. His neck was the size of torsos. His talons as heavy as boulders. He was quite the specimen. 

Grenadier tried many times to gain high ranking, but someone always shot him down. The high priest, The commander, even the queen herself. None of them understood his God given right. After 2 years of trying, He decided, “Hey, why not just take it by force? Not like anyone could stop him.” Maybe he was right. One day Grenadier decided to do just that. He had nothing else to lose. He had spent everything trying to climb up the social ladder. Thus, he had bursted into the castle, no doors needed. It was like stomping through a cardboard box. He didn't even pay attention to the guards trying to stop him. All seemed to be going well, he had made it to the throne room after all. What could stop him now? No one knew. When the guards rushed in, all they saw was a blooded and broken Grenadier with a harpoon through his head. The bigger surprise was that he was still alive. Gasping for air, but still kicking. All that blessed strength, gone. Humbled at last. Maybe too late. But not yet, there was still enough muscle power left in the sucker to fly away. He now knew the great Grenadier was no god, but if he couldn’t rule heaven, he’ll rule hell. 

Grenadier migrated to the Cagewing kingdom and quickly took the criminal underground by storm. Soon enough becoming known as the Don, or more famously, Big Fish. He has made many enemies, but that all part of the fun. 


-Grenadier is a rather sick individual, with an even sicker sense of humor. He takes great pleasure is torturing his enemies in ironic ways. Did someone try to burn him? Take time out of your day to buy 1200 pounds of ice and pile it on top of ‘em to see is more painful: The weight or the frost bite? He doesn't like to kill, of course. It’s rather insulting to mother nature if he killed someone unnaturally after all she’s done for him. He prefers a catch and release system of punishment. But the catch is mutilation and the release is seeing what they’ll try to do to get revenge. Hey, a sadist has to find entertainment somehow. There’s not a moment when someone is not trying to kill him. There’s also never a moment anyone has gotten close. 

-The next biggest thing about his personality is his massive bice-I mean ego. He believes he is above anyone who is less buff, less colorful, and less rich then him. Which is like 99% of everyone. 

-There’s also his sharp and chiseled jaw lin-I mean wit. He likes to banter back and forth with people. Of course when bantering with crime lords, they don't like it when you start making fun of their tastes and flex on them. Needless to say, Grenadier doesn’t usually get the banter he wants.

-Grenadier is surprisingly respectful, for being a sadist anyway. He respects his women, is kind to children, and pays his subordinates handsomely. It’s only when you don't give him what he wants that you’re waist-deep in danger. In fact his Cagewing mate and children have never seen him anything else but a kind man having to mingle with horrible criminals. 


Speak and Seenull: S&S is one of his latest catch and releases, and Grenadier’s (BF) favorite rival. His mind battles with S&S are by far the most fun he’s had in years. Who will win? Will S&S topple BF’s criminal empire and become the new Don? Or will BF finally crush S&S’s ambitions? 

Gasoline: Gasoline is BF’s favorite pet. Unlike the other logic based Blastwing, he was a farial beast. He’s also very strong. Remember when I said BF looks down on people who are weaker than him? Well, Gasoline is an exception. It’s uncertain who is truly stronger. Thus, in BF’s mind, Mother nature has blessed Gasoline and thus Gasoline deserves respect.

 Lotus: BF’s Cagewing mate/wife. Lotus had lost her dominant head when she was caught in a gang war and was traumatized. BF came like an angel to save her from the abyss. He gave her a home and a therapist. When she had recovered, Lotus fell in love with her savior. Now, BF is not a good person, far from it. He only saved Lotus because he felt bad for getting her caught his cross fire. If she died or committed suicide, it’d break his “Let nature decide who dies” rule. But he genuinely did fall in love. This was the first time he saw an “inferior, less gifted” dragon as an equal. Maybe he’s not as evil as he seems… Nah, he totally is.