


4 years, 7 months ago


Gender: Female

Species: TurfWing (shimmerscales)

Age: 6 years (20)

Relationship Status: ????


Height: Really big

Weight: really heavy

Figure/build: fairly bulky, mostly due to all of the crystals jutting out.

Eye colour: pale white

Scale colour: originally dull brown but now rainbow due to the crystals


Personality: Quiet, reserved (but not shy), commanding when needed, nonviolent, very materialistic, sentimental, affectionate but has a demented way of showing it, and basically every positive trait is twisted.

Likes: Shiny things, her comrades, crystals, and luxury. 

Dislikes: blood, drugs, and the unending pain.

Fears/phobias: Loneliness and betrayal


Talents/skills: Intelligent (good plan and prediction maker)

Job: Chairman of her gang 


Early Life:

Jourado has very vague memories of her past. Maybe it’s better to keep it that way. All she remembers is when she was 2 years old. It was a cold day in the mines. She couldn’t see or hear anything. She couldn't feel anything except a fervent pain. Something was crushing her lungs, something was killing her. She was going to die. She was going to die slowly and painfully. That is, if it weren’t for certain someone. They took her from the mines and to a doctor. It turns out her very own shimmerscales were choking her. It wouldn't stop growing, but then it did. Years had passed but it felt like a void to her. She still felt the tings of pain but Jourado knew she was safe. Even that came to an end. Jourado was left on the side of the road in the CageWing Kingdom. She was scared. Scared again by the loneliness. The thought of going back… All Jourado could do was scream. Scream for her caretaker. Scream till she passed out. When she woke, Jourado could see, she could hear. But the caretaker was nowhere to be found. She could tell. All that surrounded her were rough-looking CageWing. They were nothing like the gentle soul that took her in. Nonetheless, they became her new family and the father, of which, was Grenadier.

Modern Life:

Today, she has become one of Grenadier’s “pets”. Contrary to Gasoline, she has proven to be above a feral animal. She was a quick learner. A little too quick. She eventually became a higher up in the gang she called family. Her wit and intellect landed her a chairman in decision making. She lives life in luxury, but she misses her life with her previous caretaker. It was a far warmer existence than this one filled with blood.


Grenadier: She has a twisted affection for Grenadier, but a little more akin to Stockholm's syndrome than love. Always vying for his attention and approval. Despite treating her like a dog, Grenadier is still kind to her. Giving her anything she wants in exchange for her help in the office. 

Gasoline: Her fellow “pet”. She pities him. There’s obviously something wrong with him. Thus, Jourado cares for Gasoline deeply. Despite Gasoline being a vicious murder machine, she cares for him like a child. Patronizingly so.