Erina Felis



4 years, 7 months ago


Race: Wood elf

Class: Cleric

Age: 60 

From a town of wood elves Young Erina lives with her mother and father, her mother a well known cleric, her father holding a decent position in status. She'd only begun her path of being a full cleric, being taught by her mother from a young age. Being their only child Erina's father took it upon himself to find his daughter a suitable man to marry. Unfortunately for Erina, the man her father had chosen was much greater in age than she, where she had only seemingly began her life, this man was almost done with his.

Erina was opposed to the marriage due to this vast age gap, the man was old enough to be her fathers father for the love of the gods. Her mother did her best to persuade her father, status seemed to be his drive for the arrangement.

Given an option by her mother of taking up the job as a Cleric for her mothers best friends daughter Aura, Erina's Cousin if you will. Aura had made it well known she;d planned to leave the village and set path on becoming a monk and traveling abroad. Erina quickly accepted and left with the young Aura. Though Erina wasnt expecting to be able to protect her cousin, she would do her best to make sure to bring her home one day. 

Erina is a Kind girl, loves to be around others, but she can become intimidated by most, leaving her to sometimes cower behind her party members in battle, shes more adept at healing than her own defense. 

Erina finds her own peace in the calm of night as her Cousin sleeps longer than her. She finds herself wandering around by staying close by, gazing at the stars and moon above, any fears she may of had from that day melting away.

She has her own fears for the short lifespan of her cousin, fearing she will never be around to see the day Erina would marry and have children of her own, but has made her own silent personal vow to watch over any and all children her dear Aura may have in the future until her own days come to an end, where she'll hope her children carry on watching the line continue.

'I'll be here for you, as long as you need me~'