


7 years, 9 months ago


Name: Azazel

Age: Young adult

Gender: Male
Species: Goulong
Traits: Shepherd/pom body type, dorsal coat, unicorn horn, spades tail, rabbit ears
Personality: Volatile, quiet/self-kept, misanthropic, wise beyond his years.
Alignment: Zi Dai
Magic: Grew up being taught lightning, is now studying destruction on his own accord*
Back story: As a young child, Azazel had never been a temperamental goulong; in fact, he was rather outgoing, friendly, and had a good heart. Others enjoyed being around him until he started to grow up. It was when his family's living area caught fire that others started to use him as a scapegoat for the problems, including his own family. Azazel's own naïevety was what cause him to believe that everyone was right, and he started to close himself off, assuming he had truly been the cause of others problems. As he continued to grow up, he began to resent his childish assumption and started to grow more volatile, causing others to stay away from him. Azazel now wanders around and refuses to settle in any one place because he still thinks that he only brings bad luck even if he denies that.