


4 years, 7 months ago


Name: Iserlohn
True name: has not
Alias: Galo (most known), The Star Shard, The World, Eden's Chain
Origin: commune of Astaros
Species: gater* (gate user) – infinite gated system
* Gaters are the creatures that obtain energy due to using the system of inner gates (“gate” is figurative here) which connect them with a metaphysical entity consisting of pure primeval energy. Gates prevent their users to connect with this entity directly so they won’t lose themselves in it. Nevertheless, in the same time gates provide the minor connection so gaters receive a lot more energy than any other creatures. There’re low-gated and high-gated gaters. Low-gated gaters have 2-4 gates, and high-gated have 5-12 gates. The more gates the gater has, the stronger they could become. Gaters never use anaerobic type of energy.
Occupation: -no info yet-
General info: -no info yet-

Radiation spectrum*: perfect white
* Radiation spectrum is a spectral depiction of an entity or a soul, and can clearly define creature that emits a certain essence or energy. Kinda like angels glow blue in Eva.

Energy type*: extensial energy user
* Energy type is stands for properties of energy the examined entity uses. Anaerobic energy is a low-quality and disturbed type that is obtained from other types of energy by force. Aerobic energy is high-quality and vibrant type that is obtained by living beings through their existence. Extensial energy is poorly studied and can’t be observed properly, but it considered the purest and most vigorous type.
