


7 years, 9 months ago


Name: Mint Blizzard

Nicknames: content

Species: Candy (icecream) person

Age: content

Height: content

Orientation: Bisexual

Gender: Non-binary | They/He

Relationships: Princess Bubblegum - Friend | Marceline/Marshall Lee - Friend & Crush

Occupation: content

Likes: content

Dislikes: content

Playlist: Mint 🍦🧊🦇

Extra info:
  • Adventure time oc/sona! Born/made in the candy kingdom, possibly royal blood, though they mostly vibe in the cotton candy forest!
  • Big crush on Marceline/Marshall Lee
  • Vampire simp
  • Skamtebord
  • Yeah I'm goin full self-insert for this. Due to their royal roots they became friends with Princess Bubblegum pretty quickly. They're friends with (and have a crush on) Marceline/Marshall Lee.
  • Choc chips in hair can be moved around, they have no set position, and can be used as hair clips
  • Fullname is Mint Blizzard
Design info:
  • Choc chips in hair can be moved around, they have no set position, and can be used as hair clips
  • Shirt says 'kitten mania' but can be any pattern/print!
  • Can be drawn with or without facial hair! It can be in any style but is similarlly coloured to his hair (including the lighter patches). The beard can also be depicted as icecream or just hair, idm lol
  • Flat chest
  • Maybe a tail because ooga booga
  • Hair is icecream, can be drawn at any length. Hair can also have drips
  • Inside of mouth can be darker due to shadowing
  • Eyes and nose can be drawn in adventure time style (opt)
  • Shirt and skateboard can have any pattern
  • Eyebrows are opt (mostly because I kept forgetting to draw them-). If you do decide to draw them, they can be either brown or match their hair (L - brown, R- mint)