Lilac Fay



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Lilac Fay

Real Name: Jasmine Deerloaf

Age When Killed: 26

Year Of Death: 1934

Gender: Female

Skin Tone: Heather Purple 

Hair Color: Tortilla Brown 

Eye Color: Maya Blue 

Demonic Species: Imp/ Demonic Pixie

Nationality: American/ Canadian 

Height: 3'0

Weight: 45

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday: August 29th

Sign: Virgo

Abilities: Flight and a satanic ring above her head when stressed

Weapon: A broken spear

Likes: Writing, Eating lots of food, Capri, Learning new things, Art, Sweets (candy, cakes, ice cream, etc.), Dolls, Sleeping, Making others happy, Flying around, Pulling pranks, Money, 

Dislikes: Loud noises, Making people angry, Mushrooms, Letting people down, Blood, Being forced to do things, Being unable to do things properly, Long work hours, Being shamed for her height, Loona, Bullet, 

Voice Headcannon: Jasmine Deerloaf:

Theme Song: Karma By AJR

Personality When Alive: Deerloaf was fairly calm and collected when alive. She kept to herself most of the time as no one really talked to her much. She tried to be as nice as she possibly could to people. She would usually comply with most demands without question. She lived a life of nothing and she hated her boring life. 

 Personality When Dead: In heaven, Deerloaf now goes by Lilac and she is very cautious. She never speaks up and is constantly afraid of saying something wrong. After being banished from heaven, her personality changes completely. She is extremely curious and wants to learn more about hell and what new opportunities await her. She is more open and lets her more sarcastic and meaner side out sometimes. 

Bio: Jasmine during her time alive was a very kind person. Being nice to everyone she could even if they weren't kind to her. She would do everything for someone if asked. Even if she didn't want too. She would do it. She honestly hated her life. It was the same boring thing every single day. And no human wants that. Life went on like this for Jasmine until she died of the infectious plague at the age of 26. She then went to heaven now free from her boring life. Although things only got worse from there which is odd considering its heaven. She tried not to speak or bother anyone there as well which she thought would get her out of trouble. But sadly it did not. She was framed for stealing precious weapons used by the angels to destroy demons. Therefore Jasmine now known as Lilac was banished from heaven and brought to hell. She then decided to work for a news agency in hell called "Hells Journal". A small yet fun adventure for the fallen angel to have. Perhaps life will get more interesting now.