Naraka Yume [奈落夢]



4 years, 7 months ago


  [ B I O ]

Name: Naraka Yume [奈落夢]

Alias: Kiku [菊] (Chrysanthemum), Yume-chan, Kiku-chan

Age: Appears to be 19, over 100 years old

Gender: Male

Job: Courtesan

Species: Ookaburo [Yokai]

[ I D E N T I T Y ]


❀ Patient ❀ Doting ❀ Kind ❀ Compassionate

✿ Obsessive ✿ Mischievious ✿ Air-headed ✿ Dramatic

Yume  is a very loving and caring individual. He likes to play the soft  effeminate role when meeting new people or for a show of dramatics. He  cares for those who come in if they are kind and nice, and gets pretty  snobby when one is rude to him. He has the flair for dramatics after  all. However, if he finds someone (or a few someones) that he likes, he  becomes obsessive and fixated. He loves passionately and hard, though  eventually that feeling will pass if there is no outcome. Until then,  the poor fools that he falls for are in for a surprise.

He's  mischievous in small ways. Nothing large. No pranks, but he's flirty  and coy with that area due to his job. Making men blush is his favourite  thing to do, and making girls blush makes him swoon. Overall, he would  protect his 'family' there at the brothel and anyone who he thinks needs  someone. He'll coddle them, that's for sure!


Yume  had grown up within a brothel due to his mother being a courtesan. He  was doted on and loved by everyone who worked there. His feminine  physique growing up caused many to think that he was a girl, or that he  worked there. His mother didn't want this, she wanted him to go to  school and learn. On her minimal pay, she hired a tutor for the boy. The  tutor taught him all the things he needed to know, including  calligraphy and good manners. As time went on, he felt closer and closer  to his tutor until the both began an illicit affair.

The  affair didn't last long. Yume found the man was cheating on him, taking  in other women. Angry, he found himself possessive to the point of, in a  fit of anger, stabbing one of the girls. She hadn't died, and fled to  the man, crying to him about what Yume did to her. The man, angry,  stormed to the brothel where he brutally beat, abused, then killed the  man before burning down the brothel. Due to his strong spiritual  resentment from this, he became a yokai.

Losing everything, the yokai found his way to Ayakashi Village, where he took up residency at the brothel.

Likes: Teas, Intimacy, Listening to gossip, Desserts and sweet things, Taking long bathes.

Dislikes: Bad smells, Bitter foods and tastes, Dirty men and women, People that treat the courtesans badly, Cheap bastards.

[ E X T R A ]

Ability: Can phase through walls.

Height: 5'7"

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

❁ Loves to make people tea. His favourite is Chrysanthemum

❁ Has quite a bit of clothing and jewelry for all occasions

❁ Probably pretty much into anything kink-wise. Maybe

❁ Can play the bamboo flute and the koto

❁ Makeup is fun