


4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Unknown, Unknown






Sheep and Caterpillar


NOTE: Dolores is a former sona, and his description and "relationships" with my other characters were written around this. He's not a sona anymore

Dolores is an anxious little guy who likes to be in control of his surroundings. He does not mean harm, but he is overbearing. He does not actually get along well with most of my other sonas, and even when he thinks he is, he quickly is not.

He is a sona defined not by the traits he shares with me, but his oppositeness from me and his interactions with my sonas that are like me.

Dodo- He does not like Dodo’s constant sarcasm and lack of seriousness in situations where it would be warranted. Dolores sees Dodo as too aloof and uncaring. Dodo gets annoyed at Dolores’s controlling attitude, so likes to play pranks and confuse him.

Lamis: Lamis may be intelligent, but she is so attention deficit that it is hard to tell. She is aware of that, but chooses not to fight it because she is happier when she isn’t trying so hard. That frustrates Dolores, who berates her for “squandering her potential” and tries to boost her confidence. Dolores is well meaning, but too persistent, which pushes Lamis into getting in on Dodo’s pranks on Dolores.

Bella- Dolores understands little about Bella and does not go out of his way to communicate with them. He is somewhat scared of Bella, but knows they wouldn't hurt him, so stands his ground when she’s nearby and shoos her away like an animal. Bella has bothered Dolores before but only out of playfulness.

Aithereal- Dolores gets along best with Aither, but even they do not seem to click at all. Dolores can start up a conversation, but Aither is so disinterested, sleepy, or distracted that her answers are void of substance and it remains very one sided. Aither does seem to tolerate his company and perhaps even enjoy it given that Dolores is quiet.