Knight King Fulin Quinlan



4 years, 7 months ago


"A small Puffball prince who inherited his throne too early, but nobody else can rule in his stead." -itsCosofme

Name: Fulin (福臨 gentle joy) "Quin" Quinlan
Age: 10yrs
Race: Dream Puff/Batamon hybrid
Occupation: Knight King
Hobbies: Exploring, reading, sneaking out (tee hee, so bad), collecting bottlecaps
Aspirations: To be a better king, but also to enjoy childhood. Also make friends.

The youngest Knight King crowned in recent galactic history, Fulin is the child-king of the Knights of the Crescent Moon, a rival faction to the Knights of the Stars who are deeply intertwined with the Star Warriors. He's an only child, and by Crescent Moon code, is the only one eligible to lead the faction despite his young age (their tradition is that the crown carries to solely the blood of the first king). He was crowned at 6 years old and is currently 10 years old. The coat he wears is hilariously too large for him, since it's meant for an adult Batamon (which can get huge with age).

Fulin himself is a wide-eyed, soft child with bright curiosity and a hunger for discovering new things. Since he's nearing fusion with his warpstar, his subordinates are already considering him an adult by Dream Puff nature, and so forth have burdened him with many adult responsibilities that accompany being the king of a large Knight faction. However, while he makes great efforts to maintain these responsibilities and takes them seriously, regardless that they can be overwhelming and confusing, he wishes for a more laid back lifestyle, but most importantly he desires to discover himself and what his true purpose is in life beyond being the overburdened child-king.

Aside from his "Knight King" persona where he acts as kingly as possible, he's a sweet and inquisitive child who enjoys a harmless adventure outside of his castle. On occasion he gets a chance to sneak out with one of his personal guards, all while his mother manages things in his absence, granting him an escape to experience the world and grow more as a person and search for his true passions in life.
He's open-minded, kind, poise, but also very much a child who simply wants to play-- oh only if it's appropriate of course, wouldn't want to be rude. He was raised on knight culture, and so forth knight code and the manners as well values of courtesy that accompany said code are pretty strongly ingrained into him.

History of Knights of the Crescent Moon:
Crescent Moon was founded 800 years ago shortly following the death of the Knight King Orpheus, leading to King Arthur's current rule. The death of King Orpheus left a huge wake in his knights, and many didn't believe Arthur would be a sound successor to the legendary Knight King, so they split and banded together under a new banner: Crescent Moon, with a Batamon (aka an Organic Puff) as their first Knight King. Crescent Moon operates independently from the Star Warriors, but occasionally assisted them during the war. After the fall of the GSA and the beginning of the Grand Stalemate 280 years ago, they've been distancing themselves from the Knights of the Stars and since sparked a rivalry between the battered Knights in a testament to their alleged superiority.

Though this lead to their own decline as the Star Warriors became scattered, and their rival Knight faction lost ranks left and right to old age, death, and other means. Their second Knight King, the son of the first, eventually lead Crescent Moon underground too, especially when Nightmare began showing activity once more after a near 300-year absence. Following the permanent defeat of Nightmare, Crescent Moon had flourished and increased in number while Knights of the Stars continued to be rather small and more intertwined with Star Warriors. However this prosperity was short lived when their Knight King fell into poor health and eventually passed, leaving his one and only 6-year old son, Fulin, to inherit the throne as Crescent Moon's first Dream Puff to be Knight King, as well the youngest of all time in Knight history. He has been reigning for four years now under the counsel of his mother -a Dream Puff-, but also under the mentorship of rival Knight King Arthur, who took him under his wing after hearing about his father's tragic fate.

Adopted from HAUNT-HER!
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