Lian Choi



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Lian Choi



Date of Birth

October 30th


Lumiose City, Kalos






Personality: Lian is extremely obsessed with appearances and has made it his duty to befriend all of the cute people he comes across. The problem being his idea of befriending someone is to flirt with them as much as possible… which typically gives off the wrong impression that he sees everyone as potential romantic partners. The majority of the time, this is not true. He sees most people as potential friends!

Friends who he wouldn’t mind cuddling, kissing, or even seeing naked. All the while reminding them everyday how incredibly cute they are.

Still 100% platonic in his eyes.

He’s quick to try and get intimate with his friends, and he’s quick to call someone his friend. This unorthodox behavior has led to many slappings (and a few drinks have been dumped on him.) 

He can be really dense and doesn’t understand he might make others uncomfortable at times. And he won’t understand the hints people give him to let him know they would like for him to back off. Most of the time when he was slapped he had no clue why and just assumed bad moods were involved. If you aren’t upfront with Lian he’ll continue to act the usual. But if you are frank with him, don’t worry, no hurt feelings. Though he might pretend. He can act like quite the drama queen but he’ll reassure it’s all in jest.

It may seem like Lian only cares about appearances, but he does care about personality too! A little bit. He gets along with just about everyone. As long as you’re nice to Pokémon all is well. You can talk as much shit about him as you want- doesn’t bother him that much and he’ll assume you’re joking. Everyone has different means of expressing themselves and he’s very accepting of that. 

He will draw the line at talking shit about others. That’s just kind of mean, don’t you think? No need for that. Especially if you’re talking down about someone he likes. 

Although he would really prefer he not have to get aggressive with people, if left with no other choice he can be confrontational. It’s just really not his favorite thing and he would prefer to try and talk things out with people first. 

If you can get past the flirtation and learn how to handle Lian, you might find he’s not a bad guy to have around. He’s incredibly optimistic and will gladly be your personal cheerleader when you need him, as well as help out anytime when called. All he asks in return is some praise and affection- A fairly small fee to pay for someone who will do just about anything for you. He’s also very generous and doesn’t care much for privacy, so feel free to go through his bag and take whatever you like. For friends, what’s his is yours!  Truth be told, the biggest reason Lian is the forgiving, affectionate, and clingy person he is has to do with his insecurities based around not wanting to be alone. Ever. He tries to fill the void left by his absent parents with others attention, leaving him vulnerable to being taken advantage. Which he's more than happy to let you. If it makes an hour or two of quality attention, that's all that matters to him.


History: Lian was always a social person who didn’t like to play by himself and that was a bit of a problem since he was an only child with parents who didn’t seem to have a lot of time for him. And they didn’t care what he was doing during the day as long as he was home for dinner.

As a small child he would ride his bike out of the city to the other nearby towns and spend all day out and about. That was how Lian made his first few friends and later traveling companions. 

For years he clung to his friends and followed them around everywhere. It wasn’t until he was 17 that his friends decided they wanted to move on. Without him. 

They wanted to meet new people and have different kinds of adventures. They encouraged Lian to do the same, and while it was a difficult decision to make, he has since parted ways with his childhood friends and started a new phase of his life. They do still talk occasionally, mostly through the holocaster and much less often than it had been before.