Fable Inna



4 years, 6 months ago


       ❧ basics...

name: Inna, rarely spoken without the Fable title applied. often called "the young Fable"
age: old to humans, young to the long-lived
gender: nonbinary woman
pronouns: ce/cir/cirs, singular use (i.e., "ce is pretty", "cir wings flutter", "ce's unhappy")
sexuality: lesbian
species: fae
residence: cir own kingdom
occupation: Fable (royalty )

       ❧ about...

(work in progress)

fae royalty/powerful entity; one of multiple "Fables", yet still simply goes by the title often times. widely know as the "young fable", being the newest and youngest appointed.

Inna was chosen at an odd time in the world. ill figure out later but the gist is that ce was chosen for cir magic abilities to stay in tune with the land around cir, taking up the place that a former Fable left behind or smth

followed by odd magical bursts, such as flowers reversing their life cycles, small time loops, and attracting random animals. moves in a peculiar fashion, robes billowing out some. only tends to fly when traveling far distances, which is far less often now that ce has been appointed as a Fable... Inna is itching to stretch cir wings more.

making difficult choices, sometimes poorly, and struggling to keep up with the demands of a job ce never understood the scope of.  ce's far more nervous than ce will let on, and swallows those doubts (and even resentments towards those imposing expectations overtly) away, only to have them resurface at the worst times.  it came to a point that ce tries to remove many feelings ce deems "unnecessary and inconvenient" and places them inside of a peculiar mannequin, accidentally giving it life...

all things considered, Inna is still incredibly young. to a human, one would consider cir to be too old to be so shy and unreasonable. humans, however, are merely a few drawn out moments in the perception of beings who will live for so long. no one seems to have kept track

cir royal court is more of one large building sat upon a mountain, overlooking a town that has rooted itself below. there are extending pathways and even stairs that allow townspeople to climb up to the home of the estate where Inna is intended to reside. ce prefers not to be home.

Inna, unfortunately, is prone to ditching cir duties for days. the duties on cir shoulders feels suffocating. the other Fables don't seem to care as much as they say they do, making judgy comments about losing public favour or how it is so easy that they don't understand how Inna keeps letting things fall apart. 

one devoted servant, especially young and bright-eyed, caught Inna's attention quickly for the fact that he was a human. a small human boy, in a realm humans hardly ever made it to. drawn in by this outsider who seemed so well versed and adjusted, ce sparked conversation. eventually, cir curiosity won over, and asked where he lived. how long he had been in this realm.

the boy spoke of the forests that Inna, by all technicality, now governs. the dryads made it clear that Inna's influence would mean nothing here. most refused to speak, simply promising to cause problems for Inna should ce try to impose any actions upon them. every dryad able to be located conveyed clearly they have no reason to show such high respect, and want nothing to do with the Fable, shutting cir out...

all but one. this boy, this human boy, lead the young Fable directly to a dryad who welcomed the boy home. who balked through laughter at the thought that a Fable with no true reputation would ever change these wilds. while it may be true, that these places would not change, Inna surely keeps returning to see this dryad named Briony.