
4 years, 7 months ago



Leader of Knife- Filthy Pure
"While you were worshipped I was used and tossed aside."


Age Unknown (20s?)
Gender Male
Species Human
Class Unknown

Design Notes

  • Left eye is blind (covered by loose bandages).
  • Right eye is normal (can be covered by mask, optional).


A light hearted, clever, sickly sweet man who acts abrasively and seems to have no fear. He has very little regard or respect for others, and is denoted by the Empire as a cruel, merciless killer. He is almost flirtatious, when not out to kill he is flirting with women in bars. An unpredictable, wild figure who is incredibly clever to the point the famed Empire has not been able to capture him. There are many who fear him although just as many that are merely annoyed by his presence.

His backstory is wildly unknown. It is believed he was born either within the Empire, or in a colony of the Empire. Javon was an orphan, and well known for the miracles he brought because of his special ability of purification. However he was taken advantage of by his fellow townspeople, to which he fought fiercely against and ended up blind in his left eye. It was this that pushed him to hate society and its laws. He turned against his town he had loved so much, razing it to the ground and only sparing a few followers. He formed the gang of Knife; a crime gang that worked for seemingly no purpose. It is rumored that he seeks his equal in combat. Recently this ruthless killer has heard of a young woman who has the same special ability as him and becomes vastly interested in her...