


4 years, 6 months ago




"Saved by the Guardian of the Vault, Eli is now the Vault Key itself, a heavy burden on his shoulders..."

The Vault Key

Eli, is the current guardian of the Key to the Magitek Vault. In his world, both magic and technology exists, conjoined in what is called Magitek. Humans' society improved greatly through the discovery of this, but all of this knowledge already existed long ago, and was passed by ancient beings whose name was unknown. The last one of these beings lives on in the Vault, ensuring that the Magitek's innermost secrets and dangers do not come to see the light of day. The Guardian saved Eli's life, granting his body with numerous Magitek implementations and powers, but in exchange hid inside him the key to access the Vault, making him essential to enter it. Eli, despite bravely shouldering his responsibility after realizing the dangers the Vault could pose in the wrong hands, is now forced to run around the world, escaping from those who wish to have the Key for themselves. He will not let them have it... but a life of mistrust is tiring for even the strongest souls.

Full name: Eli Seelenfreund

Species: Magitek-Extended Human

Age: 27

Height: 190.5 cm/6'3 ft

Weight: 112 kg/250 lbs

Voiceclaim: Yasuo, League of Legends


Eli is a man of few words, who'd prefer the company of himself and his thoughts to other people. He doesn't enjoy too much company, and has troubles being social and speaking up to others, especially after many years of deceptions and lies at the hands of others. He is not inherently distrustful, but he's skittish and avoidant.

At heart, Eli is a good man who doesn't shy away from doing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Despite his sad face and troubled past, he has an optimistic approach to life and is a reliable and gentle person, who will forever stay loyal to those he cares about.

He prefers to act instead of talking in more ways than one, and can be surprisingly impulsive, but puts thought into many things without others realizing. With that said, his street smart is the only kind of smart he really has, and is somewhat book dumb. This is however compensated by great wisdom and sensitivity.



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