


4 years, 7 months ago



Name: Jia-Ming Chang

Age: 21

Voice: Hiroshi Kamiya

Constellation: ---

Vision: Geo

Nickname: Ming

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/03

Affiliation: Liyue Harbor

Weapon: Polearm

Even with functioning eyes, mortals can be so blind sometimes...

A mysterious young man who always wears a cheerful smile. He is very skilled in martial arts and seems to have stronger senses than most.

  • Spicy food
  • Music
  • Fighting
  • Nature
  • Being touched
  • Flying
  • His eyes
  • Selfish and greedy people
  • Ming LOVES food. His favorite dish is curry, more specifically curry buns, as he can carry those around easily.
  • He enjoys music a lot and learned to play the flute by himself. He often plays the flute just outside the Harbor, while sitting in a tree.
  • He prefers using his polearm as an extension of his own body rather than a weapon, using it to jump higher or swing from it.
  • ---
  • His nose and ears are more sensitive than most, as well as his touch. He does not like being touched and will usually dodge it outside of battle.

Design Notes:

  • Very rarely opens his eyes. He hates them.
  • He has a few more scars on his back.
  • He is around 5'8" (shorter than Zhongli but taller than the young male model, so in between).
  • Slightly more muscular than the young male model as well.

Story 1:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nibh ligula, viverra id felis tempus, lacinia dapibus ante. Cras venenatis posuere nisl at consequat. Proin fermentum est odio. Etiam mattis id odio ut feugiat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed vehicula at sapien ac bibendum. In enim leo, mattis vestibulum sodales at, consequat vitae magna.

Story 2:

Nam tincidunt enim sapien, vitae efficitur diam venenatis in. Sed facilisis sed dolor nec iaculis. Duis neque eros, congue id ipsum ac, ornare elementum justo. Donec at arcu venenatis, tempor magna eget, feugiat purus. Morbi tincidunt ut sem vitae molestie. Proin sit amet blandit eros. Nullam id elementum arcu. Donec placerat, velit eu aliquam tincidunt, ipsum mauris sodales metus, et semper eros elit in orci. Pellentesque vitae metus massa. Aliquam at pulvinar lorem.


Vestibulum et diam metus. Quisque molestie ipsum quis urna dapibus, eget pellentesque metus tincidunt. Quisque eleifend lorem nec risus volutpat tristique. Integer et arcu dui. Nunc ac justo eget purus viverra malesuada. Maecenas gravida risus enim, non sagittis neque fermentum a. Nam auctor justo quam. Suspendisse orci magna, commodo vitae tincidunt dignissim, convallis tincidunt justo.

They enjoy each other's company a lot and often like taking strolls outside the Harbor together.

Ming has the utmost respect for Zhongli after being given a second chance and trained by him.

Ming enjoys her cooking a lot and gets along with Xiangling well. They are a bit of an eccentric duo at times.