Yucca Zuvax



4 years, 7 months ago



Name Yucca Zuvax
Nick-Names N/A
Age 28
DoB 06/03
Gender Female
Race Half-Orc
Height 6ft 6in
Build Muscular
Role Quarter Master
Class Path of the Totem Warrior Barbarian
Header Art KelPearce
CSS Eggy

The only child of a powerful orc warrior and a simple human man, Yucca is a half-orc trying to find her place in a world not made for her. After struggling to find acceptance and meaning amongst either of her communities, she found this place on the sea among pirates, pillaging islands and hunting for treasure far from her home. Despite the fact that she works as a pirate, Yucca is a kind woman with a nurturing nature and a heart of gold who has taken on the role of motherly responsibility on The Corsair's Cry.




✔ her crewmates

✔ physical labor

✔ showing off

✔ animals


✖ stormy seas

✖ condescending people

✖ cold weather

✖ alcohol

The very definition of a gentle giant, Yucca is a lot of brawn though she has very little inclination to actually use it. She's a little dense academically and isn't great at crticially thinking, but she more than makes up for this with her positive attitude and her kind, loving nature. Yucca is a lover, not a fighter, though in order to be useful to those around her she has trained to be a brutal warrior. By no means a leader, Yucca is quick to take orders and is much more comfortable following blindly than she is being the one calling the shots; she doesn't relish being in charge in any capacity, though on the battlefield is one place where she feels confident. She doesn't crave violence and she sees it more as a means to an end, but she is very capable and confident in her physical abilities.

Yucca is loyal to a fault and terrified of being alone; she doesn't care about the morals of those she travels with and is an amicable person who is able to make connections with even the most heinous of criminals, so long as they give her purpose. She would, without hesitation, die for those that show her love and make her feel at 'home'. The value she puts on her own life is very limited, the result of being treated like a weapon rather than a person for much of her life. She has an immense amount of love for those around her, and she craves the feeling of a family more than anything else. She often takes on a motherly role for her crewmates at sea, cooking and cleaning up after them and offering them comfort and affection in an otherwise cold, harsh environment.


Born in an orc settlement in the jungles of Valwick to a powerful orc leader, Yucca was often excluded and forced to 'prove herself' thanks to her half-human heritage. She found no solace in the strength-oriented lives of the orcs (although she trained and tried to prove her strength among them for many years), and hoping that a life among humans would be more her speed, she would leave the settlement when she reached her teenage years. Unfortunately, life among humans proved to be just as isolated; rather than being treated as weak, she was feared and treated as 'less than' thanks to the ignorance of those around her. Struggling to find anywhere she fit in, Yucca would spend a few years working as a general laborer on Valwick's docks in order to make ends meet. It was there that the captain of The Corsair's Cry found her and offered her a job on the ship, seeing value in the strength that she possessed.

The Corsair's Cry became Yucca's everything. The crew was her family and she gave all of her energy to running the ship. She wasn't overly passionate about the sea but the shady morals of those around her didn't bother her; they accepted her and treated her well, and so they were her family and she would protect them. This was easier said than done -- after an unfortunate run-in with harpies, the crew of The Corsair's Cry was all but decimated. The original captain retired after this incident, leaving the damaged ship and skeleton crew to Amira Haynes, her second-in-command. Yucca was promoted to Amira's second-in-command and the two worked together to rebuild The Corsair's Cry stronger than ever. Yucca has found her purpose and her calling in running the ship with Amira.

The Present

Most of the actual 'running' of the ship's day-to-days falls to Yucca. She makes sure that the crew gets paid and is often called upon to calmly settle any disputes that arise. The ship and the crew have become the most important things in her life, she makes sure that they're both running in tip-top shape.



Heavy Weapon Combat

Thanks to training at the hands of her warrior mother, Yucca is strong and proficient in wielding large, heavy weapons. She favors a great-axe, though she can use just about anything that requires throwing her weight behind it.


Living first in a jungle and then on the sea has given Yucca exceptional survival skills; she can handle everything from basic tracking and growing plants to first-aid and hunting and fishing. She can forge a life out of even the most dismal climates and circumstances.


Yucca's 'rage' is actually a gift from her connection to the earth -- she can bolster herself with exceptional constitution and fight with the ferocity of a bear, ignoring the extent of any damage taken and any wounds sustained to fight harder and longer.

Wood Working

A hobby that she picked up to pass the time on the docks. Yucca can create impressive artistic sculptures and crude tools using wood and a knife.


Yucca has the know-how and experience recovered to maintain a smoothly running ship.


GREATAXE [ weapon ]

A two-handed axe with a large crescent shaped head and a square hammer-head opposite of the blade. The handle is carved out of strong dark wood and the head is heavy steel. The axe is generally strapped to her back and it was a gift from her mother before she left her community.


Alongside her large greataxe, Yucca carries two smaller axes generally used for throwing or very close combat. They have the same design as her two-handed axe. These are usually strapped to a holster on her hips.

PIPE [ memento ]

An elegant, finely crafted pipe that once belonged to her father. She doesn't use it, but she holds onto it. She considers it a good luck charm and it brings her peace.



Amira Haynes

[ Captain/sister ]

Amira is technically Yucca's boss, though the two are more like sisters. Having joined the crew of The Corsair's Cry relatively close together, the two worked their way up the ranks together and often leaned on each other for support during the rough times. Yucca has gotten to see emotional vulnerability in Amira that no one else is privy to, and Amira treats Yucca like more of an equal than she's ever experienced before. Although Yucca worries about some of the decisions Amira makes, she is more than happy to follow the other woman's orders and she trusts her implicitly.


Balthazar Davinmor

[ rival/friend? ]

Even though Balthazar and Yucca are part of opposite crews that regularly engage in skirmishes across the sea, Yucca has nothing but positive things to say about the man! She finds Balthazar charming and kind and she admires the way he runs his crew, and she deeply regrets the times she's had to knock him out (of which there are several). She dislikes the way Amira treats him, but she knows it's not her place to say anything. If they weren't on opposite sides of the law, Yucca could see Balthazar being a close friend. For now, though, their relationship is pleasant and combative.