


4 years, 7 months ago


'Sallow' the Hedgehog



Male // Ageless/Immortal

Chimera Project


Species: 85% Hedgehog 10% Human 5% Biolizard
Alignment: True neutral
Affiliations: None
Orientation: Unsure
Height: 3'7"
Ability type: Speed


  • Starry nights
  • Quiet
  • Astrology
  • Learning about earth
  • Comfy places
  • Sleeping


  • Most humans
  • G.U.N
  • Bright lights
  • Alarms
  • Needles
  • Hospitals



Sallow was made under the name Project:CURE originally, an alternate attempt at Project:SHADOW to cure maria's illness, but was scrapped due to Shadow's creation and later Maria's death. He was later finalized using DNA from the original Shadow, Maria and the Biolizard. He carries Maria and Shadow's memories in his head, and some times without him wanting to they completely take over his mind. Due to the timing of his project creation, he doesn't actually know who either of them are but feels strongly connected to both of them, though is a little scared to seek them out, he's not even fully aware of Maria's fate, and is only vaguely aware of the tragedies that occured.

Sallow seems to have dormant Chaos abilities he cannot access, but his main ability is healing. Due to him inheriting NIDS from Maria's DNA, he's techinically constantly dying, but because of the nature of his creation, his cells are always permanently repairing themselves so he cannot die, either from NIDS or seemingly anything else. Though he is noticeabley weak and often tired, he's stronger than Maria physically and is quite fast, though not quite as strong as Shadow. He's currently on the run from G.U.N. trying to capture him and is generally confused about everything. He's quiet and nervous, a little awkward and gets frustrated easily, though he's very kind he doesn't show it, trying to act cool and unaffected by everything.

Due to having human DNA, he is taller than most other Hedgehog Mobians, though not tall enough to actually match with a human. His proportions are obviously Mobian, but align a little more closely with a humans than pure Mobians. He wears a jacket with a similar design to Maria's, and a headband like her as well, with a design similar to the cables attached to the Biolizard.

Personality: Quiet, anxious, acts listless but is really just trying to be cool, fearful, awkward, easily frustrated, a little morose at times, helpful, often comes off as arrogant or rude but is the kind of person to be there for you when you're at your lowest

Powers and abilities

Air Boots - His boots work similarly to Shadow's air shoes, but instead of a steady skating-glide, he gets bursts of air instead! This causes more of a 'blink' effect than a steady glide.

Healing Cells - Due to the nature of Project:CURE, Sallow's cells are constantly repairing themselves, making him apparently immortal, though it seems they have not yet figured out how to rid the NIDS from his system.

Gravity Band - Sallow's headband is more than just an accessory, it alows him to alter the vectors in a small radius around him, appearing to alter gravity itsself. The band is techinically tapping into his dormant Chaos abilities, but due to the weak nature of his body, it can currently only be accessed with an outside method.

Chaos abilities - Due to the nature of Project:CURE, Sallow's body houses Shadow's DNA, giving him 'hereditary' access to Chaos abilities, see above.

Regenerator - Though he can't heal his own body fully, he can heal others quite well. He cannot heal entire diseases or fully seal broken bones, but he can accelerate the process slightly if he makes contact with the wound.

Skills: Enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced jump, enhanced durability, enhanced stamina, enhanced agility, enhanced reflexes, healing abilities, Chaos abilities, regenerative abilities, vector manipulation, rail grinding, possible super transformation


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