


4 years, 7 months ago




  • VERSE -
  • ROLE -
  • WORTH Priceless
  • VOICE Mizuhashi Kaori
  • THEME -
  • AGE 21
  • BIRTHDAY Nov 26
  • PRONOUNS she/her
  • RACE human
  • OCCUPATION Gang member
  • MBTI -
  • HEIGHT 160cm
  • WEIGHT -
  • ORIENTATION Bisexual
  • RELATIONSHIP It's complicated
  • STATUS Alive


Known as Wildrose by her gang members, this young girl has changed drastically from who she once was. No longer will she require the protection of others, instead working hard to grow stronger to protect what matters most to her.


Michiru is a free-spirited girl who has learned to harden herself to get by in life. Someone who often relied on others to protect her and struggled with speaking up for herself, she’s grown into someone who depends solely on herself and is accustomed to working alone. While she can be snippy and sometimes stiff with strangers, she does take things more seriously and focuses on the tasks at hand. This doesn’t mean she’ll go along with everything that’s asked of her however, and is known to drop work if she feels it’s asking too much of her or the employer is overstepping a line. Michiru no longer wishes for people to protect her - but to be able to protect them instead.

Michiru is still kind of reckless, but she tries to think more logically in most situations and doesn’t like the idea of charging into anything when there’s a better strategy. She’s learned how to talk people down from starting a fight, as well as apologizing to those inconvenienced by her members. While it looks like Michiru has turned into a completely different person, she still maintains her gentleness and her love of animals. She’s still the same dreamer as before, but her life has changed for the good. She hopes to be someone people can rely on now, instead of relying on others.


  • Her hair is black, but there is a twinge of red on the ends. Her hair stops maybe around her waist..? It's very long.
  • She prefers to wear loose clothing as they're easier to move around in, tighter clothes restrict movement which affects her agility.
  • The ribbon around her left wrist is important! It's her old bow that she still keeps with her.
  • Her design is heavily inspired by Seele from Honkai: Star Rail.



Mika • Adoptive brother

Mika took Michiru in at some point, treating her as if she was related to him by blood and caring for her. Although Mika doesn't express his feelings often and isn't the best at communicating, Michiru knows he cares dearly for her and reciprocates those feelings, seeing him as an older brother. She feels comfortable enough to prank him and to be playful around him.

When Michiru abruptly left home on a proclaimed journey of self-discovery, Mika was worried, but he felt that it would do her some good. He does trust Michiru will take care of herself and waits for her to come home when she feels ready.


Frey • Adoptive brother

A witch that Michiru met on the road long ago that she befriended, despite Frey also not being the most sociable person. The two were travel partners for quite some time, with Frey slowly growing fond of Michiru as time went on, to the point where he developed the want to care and protect her like a little sister. Likewise, despite Frey's intimidating aura, Michiru looked up to him and, in her words, "Fuuchan is the coolest ever~"

With a lot of scheming, Michiru was able to push Frey and Mika together. Though, she kind of regrets it because they ended up becoming very embarrassing.


Morgan • it's complicated

A "King" that Michiru met once, who she decided to humor because she thought they were funny at the time, but slowly learned that Morgan genuinely believed in their act and their selfish "deserve all" mentality. Michiru didn't exactly understand how harmful this was both to them and herself, so her encouragement of it at the time is unfortunately the cause of their falling out, coupled with her growing feelings for them.

A lot of Michiru's emotional distress was caused by Morgan's behavior and how they refused to open up to her, this led to her leaving them behind because she finally had enough, cutting ties with them for a very long time. All the while, she still held onto her feelings, as much as she didn't want to.

Eventually the two met again - long after Morgan finally began to unlearn and leave behind their unhealthy coping mechanisms and king act. Now knowing how poorly they treated Michiru and how they were the one to drive her away, the two are.. awkwardly finding stable ground with each other again, but there is still a lot of hurt that Michiru still holds onto. She claims to have "moved on" from her feelings for them, but her gang members think otherwise.


Praesent id nisi at nisi pellentesque cursus ut eget sapien. Praesent consectetur commodo sem at sagittis. Donec in molestie velit. Quisque viverra quis nibh vel commodo. Donec feugiat cursus massa, ac pretium ligula tempor eu. Integer eget nisi mattis, lacinia ligula aliquam, imperdiet lorem. Vestibulum ac rutrum neque. Sed ullamcorper elit at felis maximus consequat. Vivamus fringilla, nisi eu ornare dictum, lectus felis blandit lectus, et tempor arcu dui nec nisi. Etiam quam elit, venenatis sit amet lorem quis, tempus ultrices leo. Integer mattis eleifend velit in facilisis.

Cras cursus, dolor id tempus rhoncus, nunc risus luctus tellus, vel euismod sem ex sit amet augue. Sed convallis ipsum ac nisl dignissim eleifend. Aliquam consequat odio id ligula egestas consectetur. Morbi tincidunt odio a augue eleifend pellentesque. Morbi blandit porta augue, ac semper est. Nunc condimentum, sem ac sagittis ullamcorper, lorem massa suscipit dolor, aliquam vehicula justo arcu ut elit. Suspendisse suscipit pretium dui vitae lacinia.

Duis tincidunt id nisl et elementum. Pellentesque dolor ex, iaculis non iaculis quis, fringilla id nunc. Aliquam tincidunt erat quis metus venenatis volutpat. Ut vulputate molestie consectetur. Sed maximus rhoncus diam, eu pulvinar est porta eu. Integer imperdiet porta mi vitae gravida. Quisque nec euismod sapien. Donec dapibus leo in pellentesque dapibus. Cras malesuada vehicula nisi euismod interdum. Donec ipsum purus, vehicula sollicitudin rutrum nec, vestibulum vitae risus. Nullam sed aliquam est. Curabitur ultrices, odio bibendum hendrerit ultricies, eros enim luctus libero, a malesuada turpis leo vel felis. Ut at enim sed diam tincidunt blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris eget nisi nec ligula ultrices accumsan vitae at dui.


Mauris nec dui tellus. Nullam est purus, bibendum in odio ac, tempus ultrices mi. Nunc venenatis sem et felis dictum, quis sagittis turpis molestie. Maecenas odio felis, laoreet ac viverra sed, egestas at leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi mollis porttitor risus nec congue. Proin sit amet lorem posuere, congue mi a, lacinia nulla. Pellentesque sit amet eros dapibus, interdum odio eget, aliquam diam. In eleifend lacus ut tellus pulvinar rhoncus. Suspendisse quis risus mauris. Etiam a neque eu ligula hendrerit pellentesque vitae eu nibh. Nam risus libero, cursus eget eros sit amet, blandit maximus nisl. Sed eget consequat lorem.

Praesent ultricies lectus non magna pretium, nec blandit erat viverra. Maecenas at dolor eu libero eleifend volutpat. Praesent efficitur viverra ante nec sagittis. Phasellus in gravida risus, sed dictum sapien. Quisque non massa eget lacus dignissim gravida vel a est. Sed lectus justo, laoreet vel odio ut, vulputate malesuada leo. Phasellus blandit tempor sollicitudin. Morbi imperdiet iaculis elit, porttitor volutpat leo consequat nec. Fusce et urna et metus congue scelerisque. Morbi a est sed ipsum dignissim venenatis id at ante. Duis luctus fringilla porta.


  • Sweet things
  • Taking care of others
  • Being with her family
  • Sleeping in
  • Summer nights


  • Being misunderstood
  • Bugs
  • Spicy things
  • Feeling self conscious
  • Energy drinks


  • Training with her members
  • Video games
  • Studying musicology
  • Fixing things
  • Cooking


  • Twirls or tugs on her hair when anxious
  • Glances at a person before looking away
  • Tripping over her words when flustered
  • Her ahoge moves in response to her mood
  • Biting her lower lip


  • Physically very strong
  • Agile, can run for long periods of time
  • Very direct most times
  • Stands her ground even when faced with trouble
  • Determined and stays true to herself


  • Stubborn to a fault
  • Bottles up her emotions, prone to exploding in anger
  • Has trouble expressing how she truly feels
  • Doesn't like to admit when she's wrong, might argue or insist she's right
  • Family issues.


  • Ut purus ligula, sodales et purus varius, tincidunt molestie elit. Curabitur imperdiet, purus in sagittis convallis, ex est facilisis mauris, ut fermentum erat nibh sit amet orci.
  • Quisque sollicitudin, urna id ultrices lobortis, lorem tortor consectetur lectus, a congue nisl eros non ipsum. Pellentesque sed sollicitudin nisl.
  • Maecenas sodales faucibus blandit. Praesent eu lorem ac lacus varius gravida.
  • Maecenas dignissim enim finibus metus volutpat, in ullamcorper tellus tincidunt. Maecenas pulvinar mi in ligula pulvinar, non accumsan est dapibus.
  • Maecenas non ante egestas, volutpat eros eu, fermentum turpis. Cras bibendum dui tellus, id convallis magna vestibulum vel. Phasellus libero ante, maximus mattis risus sed, maximus rhoncus sapien.
Code by Aurorean