


4 years, 6 months ago


Clementine is my DND character

Race: Tiefling 

Class: Monk Barbarian 

Age: 22


Clementine was named Clemency at a young age. Upon hitting her teen years she became rebellious and dangerous, and was known to go to bars, get drunk, and cause fights. Her family was furious and she broke contact with them and changed her name.

One evening, she started a violent fight in a popular bar. In a drunken rage she sliced off the arm of a man. He turned out to be a popular sorcerer who was well known for is short temper and terrible curses. He immediately placed a curse on her, and put an evil mouth across her chest.

About the curse:

The mouth has an extreme appetite,

Failure to feed the mouth will cause it to begin eating Clementine

The mouth can only eat meat, plants, and valuables

The curse can be removed

It will vanish if Clementine sacrifices an arm or leg and feeds it to the mouth

If 1/4 the limb has been removed, the mouth will not accept it as a sacrifice

The mouth can become drunk

The alcohol must be incredibly strong to have an effect, and all it does is slow the mouth's movements

The mouth is immune to poison 

Clementine, being the stubborn brat she is, refuses to sacrifice a limb and give in to the sorcerer. At first, she thought he was lying, until she woke up one day after not feeding the mouth to find her middle finger missing. 

Now, Clementine simply walks around shirtless. She's homeless and broke because she feeds the mouth so many valuables.